
I am looking for a store in Toronto that would sell Good Charlotte. Does anyone have any ideas?

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I am looking for a store in Toronto that would sell Good Charlotte. Does anyone have any ideas?




  1. the book? or a cd? or what? Look on you can probably get it online.

  2. I love good charlette they are kool

  3. I'd suggest a used CD store such as Deja Vu Discs if you happen to be looking for one of their older albums.  As for new releases that may be coming out, you can find an HMV pretty much in any mall in or around Toronto.

  4. I'm pretty sure that if you ask the guys at HMV to get you a copy of any album you want, they'll have it ready for pick up in a while.

    Other good places:

    -Deja Vu Discs (slightly used, if you can find one, very good pricing)

    -Any "Big Box" chain, Good Charlotte is pretty clean, so they'd have them in stock (Walmart, Future Shop, Best Buy etc.) also might want to check out your local library, they just might have it for a good listen before you buy.

    Hope it helps...I might not agree with your particular band, but [kudos] for buying a CD. =]

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