
I am looking for a tattoo that goes all the way down my back but it has to be in either japanese or chinese?

by Guest33847  |  earlier

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i am looking for pics of it I aint gettin it i just want pics




  1. Get a small symbol for something that inspires you on your upper back and then get little stars going all the way down.

  2. Design an american pic that means something about your life. Lions tigers

    bears, dragons not cool. Be yourself.

    Anyone can pretend to be karate kid.

    Who are you??????



  3. The tattoo I would choose if it had to be all the way down my back and it had to be either japanese or chinese I would go with a very long Como-do dragon or a big chinese symbol that means love, peace, happiness, joy, or hope and make it very big so that it can go all the way down your back!!!!!!!  

  4. Why would you get a Komodo dragon?  They're neither Chinese nor Japanese.

    There's a million things that can be done in Chinese or Japanese that goes down your back.  If that's all you're going off of, then you're gonna have a h**l of a time finding something that's good.

    What does Pearl Harbor have anything to do with this?  For all you know this person is of Chinese and Japanese descent.  Ignorant.

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