
I am looking for a vampire who would be willing to turn me. But first I would like some information. Help me?

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I have always wanted to be a vampire. I am just really ignorant to what might happen. I have a lover who I would like to turn too, but this would not happen for many years




  1. Max quote:

    "Being a vampire ain't all it's cracked up to be.

    There's the fatal allergy to garlic and silver (and churches or other holy places)."

    Not true Vamp aren't demons and/or spirits, Churches doesn't apply to all demons, spirits( evil as well).

    "There's the pale skin and deathly sun rays.

    Anyway, you can't be a vampire, you'll have to be a succubus, and they have the average IQ of a banana peel."

    Vamps are of many colors,( being pale would just mean not interacting with much light there are so many pale people who are not vamps) Deadly sun rays yeah, what ever, they can use sun screen.) IQ of a banana peel dude, you're stupid. Vamp are as smart as anyone of us. I don't know if they exist or not, even if they don't I wouldn't think that would describe a vamp even if "1" did exist)

    That's  not true. it's as fictional as turning into a vampire. You can't turn into a vampire, you'll die right after getting sucked. ( If sucking blood and turn was true, then I would believe that there would be a lot more vampires for use to witness.)

  2. There is no such thing, you have been watching to much Moon light........

  3. God bless public education...

  4. You're not gonna find one...

  5. Being a vampire ain't all it's cracked up to be.

    There's the fatal allergy to garlic and silver (and churches or other holy places).

    There's the pale skin and deathly sun rays.

    Anyway, you can't be a vampire, you'll have to be a succubus, and they have the average IQ of a banana peel.

  6. not all vampires bite the neck of their victim to turn them...

    i know of another way :)

    how old r u?

    (Lacey (from post above) I'll show you next year)

  7. i want to be one too!!! if you find one tell me please!!!!!

  8. vampires are so s**y.... i would love to have one

  9. Tell ya what, I don't know where you can find a vampire but I do know a place where you can find help.  They have nice padded walls and they give you new clothes and everything.  The sleeves on the jacket are a little long but you'll get used to it.

  10. and ive always wanted to an astronaught, but we both know thats never gonna happen, is it?

  11. Yes you are ignorant SilentBa, The only vampires in life are animals, insects, and vampire bats of central America which are mammals. No human vampires.

  12. There are 2 ways to become a vampire. You can be turned(it seems to look as if it hurts very very much from the turnings i have witnessed) or you can live your life in the shadows spil;ling blood on your hands so in death your soul is rejected by both heaven and h**l so you stay on earth lusting for the blood that damned you.

  13. Grow up. No such thing.

  14. IF THERE WERE VAMPIRES you would belong to the vampire that turned you, and after turning you wouldn't care about your current lover.

  15. Are you 10, there are no vamps. in the real world. So get your head outa the harry-potter-wonderworld and look for a great person you can actually be in a relationship with.

  16. if you find one, tell

    i wanna be one too!


    so ur cool.



    i love vampires but u would live forever.

    and that would be lonely):

  18. Absolutely disgusting lol. I can't stand vampires.

  19. Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moon light?

  20. Ok, in what world do you live???

  21. There are many different theories as to what goes into becoming a member of the UNDEAD...Many of them state that there needs to be an exchange of blood between the V. and the human. Sometimes the one wanting the "Dark Gift" must be drained almost completely, then given back the amount they lost in vampiric blood. Sometimes, all it takes is a bite. Then the infection travels throughout the humans' system until they are a vampire. Assuming you mean physical and not psychic. Whatever the case, it almost always carries risks. This is not, assuming you actually find a real V. willing to turn you, somehting to do on a whim. I feel kind of ridiculous, but, think long and hard before you set out on this "mission." Try going online and looking up "The Community." Eventually you'll find something like what you're looking for. Good luck, I guess.

  22. You are going to get killed hun, they dont turn just whoever asks to be the kill them more!

  23. I don't know if vampires are willing to turn TROLLS into one of them.

  24. If you're serious about information, honestly you'd have looked it up on you're own instead of asking for half true (at best) bits of info on here. Try if you want to read up on some info on modern day "vampires".

    Most "vampires" do not believe in turning as they have been born with it. You gain no superhuman abilities. At best slightly improved senses and/or reflexes. If you must be "turned" you won't even get that. All that will change is you will have an unhealthy and unnecessary "addiction" to blood. Which, won't really change you're diet drastically maybe a few less items at mealtime, but now you "need to get some blood on the side as well which is not that easy to get usually.

    People who were born with what they think is vampirism may have, sometimes only in their opinion, higher sensitivity to sunlight than "normal" people, slightly improved senses, and sleep deprivation issues. Symptoms are not always the same strength from person to person and some do not even appear other than a "need" for blood (or in some cases raw energy-psy vamps).

    So basically you're asking to willingly gain an "addiction" that you weren't born with and do not need to survive, and the stress of getting your addiction satisfied when needed. Oh, and keeping it all a secret from your friends and family that you don't want to know about it (as any smart "vampire" would do)? Maybe you, and your lover for that matter, should reconsider.

  25. So here's what you do... if you don't mind flying hop on a plain to Forks Washington. When you get there go to the woodsey area and look for an opening. Go through it and you'll find a big house. Ask for Charlise Cullen and say this (quote exactly) "Charlise I know your secrete so turn me!" Then you just go through a couple days of agonizing pain.

    Hope I was of help :)

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