
I am looking for a war strategy board game harder than Risk. Cannot remember its name. ( not Axis & Allies.)?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks for all your answer but I finally figured it out. It is called Supremacy. They stopped making it in the eighties so I will try to find it on Ebay.




  1. Go to or and look for it. there is no way we can help you with the information you offered we would only be guessing.  Maybe if you offered a little more information.....

  2. thats easy it's connect 4

  3. Could it possibly be Twilight Imperium or Diplomacy

  4. warhammer 40,000

  5. Here are a couple good ones:

    Hunt for Red October

    A Line in the Sand

    7th Fleet


  6. GO is a stragegy game you place stones on a board.

    i dout htats what your thinking of but its like 10 times more confusing then any game i know. is where you can learn it.

  7. stratego maybe?  Picture chess if you couldn't see what pieces your opponent was moving.

  8. There are literally hundreds of other war strategy games. Can you provide more details? Are the pieces paper or plastic? How long ago did you play? What are some of the game elements?  What's the theme? (ww2, ww1, alien planet?, etc)

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