Some may think I am talking about last fm, but that is not the case. I was recently at the doctor and while I was waiting read an article in a magizine (possibly the new yorker) that was talking about a web site where you enter titlres of songs and based off the cadence, rythim, harmony, and components of the song, such as a fast tempo with a jazzy horn line, it can reccomend songs of a similar nature. The article had stated that it was very accurate and had been discovered by at least 3 million people, so you can imagine that I am completely stupefied that I can't seem to find it. Can someone PLEASE HELP ME! I need that in my life. I got on the New Yorkers website and couldn't find the article. I can say that it was in a Magazine dated sometime in February of 2008 and had clinton and Obama on the cover and their heads were overlayed on each other so maybe if anyone knows what magazine it is. Anything helps!