
I am looking for an alternative medicine for gout.?

by  |  earlier

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I have been recommended ground Elder flower but trying to find a source in New Zealand. Any recommendations??




  1. Try seeing a Homeopathy practitioner

  2. try and get medical marijuana

  3. good luck with that

  4. Elder flower is not the first herb that would come to mind for draining uric acid and resolving gout. It would probably be easy to find celery seed, tumeric, and alfalfa in NZ.

  5. Go to your local health store and you need milk thistle and devils claw. Also look at sights that recommend different things. My mum has it very bad and the above have helped. Also need to limit fat intake in diet especially red meat.

    Dandelion Tea. cider vinegar and cherries are also supposed to help according to info i have just found on the net.

    Hope helps and you get rid of it soon.

  6. Go and see a Homeopath but in the meantime try drinking cherry juice.


  8. The most effective cure for gout is ibuprofen or any anti inflammatory anti histamine. I don't know what the herbal remedy for hey fever is but that will be effective.

    Hurts don't it?

    Stay off the red wine.

  9. Providing that you have been correctly dianosed, because, the same pain and symptoms, are that of Arthritis exactly, the best thing you can do is stop eating high acidity foods, stop drinking fizzy drinks, such as Lager coca cola, pepsi,anything fizzy.You then should find life a little more bearable.Ground Elder flower, is supposed to be good.Have you not got any Health shops where you live then.\i,d be surprised lol.

  10. eat cherries, cut down on meat and alcohol.

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