
I am looking for an comedy acting piece for a man and a woman about ten minutes long. Any suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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It is for a Speech and Debate duo interpretation. It will be me and my brother.




  1. With all due respect, 10 minutes is a LIFETIME in a performance sense, but I have a suggestion, in my own sense.

       Most especially because it's brother and sister, I'd look at HONEYMOONERS videos, OR ALL IN THE FAMILY videos, and update them, keeping the comedic, but very topical relevance of them.

    Just my 2 "scents"

  2. Look into SeaScape with Sharks and Dancer by Don Nigro. It is a two person play and while its dramatic it has many comedic scenes.

  3. One of my all time fav scenes is called The Sure Thing, by David  Ives.  Runs about 10 minutes, maybe a bit more.  But, HILARIOUSLY funny.

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