
I am looking for an english speaking electrician in marbella costa del sol anyone give me any ideas?

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I am looking for an english speaking electrician in marbella costa del sol anyone give me any ideas?




  1. check golden pages, ask in the pub, ask a neighbour ...

  2. get down to a local pub in marbella, somebody in there will speak english and know a english sparky

  3. keep your chin up and dont give up. Remember, theres somebody out there for all of us, you may however, increase your chances, if you arent so partuicular

  4. You can check craigslist. Craigslist is in English and it has a section for Costa Rica. You can look to see if there are any ads by any electricians, or you can post you own ad.

    Make sure to check references before hiring anyone.

  5. Ask a neighbour,local shop or bar etc.

  6. Based in Guaro but covers Marbella area.

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