
I am looking for good ideas on how to get rid of the "binky" or pacifier and?

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how old was/were your child/children when you took theirs away?

My daughter will be 2 on Sunday. I am ready to get rid of her "binky" pacifier. However if my daughter gets really upset she cries so hard that she makes herself sick literally about 80% of the time. I attempted to take the binky away once and it was HORRIBLE watching her cry. I tried to comfort her but she made herself sick over it. I need some tips/ideas that will make it as easy as possible on all of us. I have a son and I had no problem with him. He cried and got over it real fast. With my daughter it's a whole other story.

Thanks in advance!

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  1. I did the same thing when I was two(her mon told her I was too old and I was really tall for my age I was two but looked four), My mom finally got enough of it and threw out all the Binky. It didn't help I realized she won't get me my binky and put my thumb in my month instead. She tried to stop me from sucking but the only way back then was to put hot sause(what a doctor told my mom to do) my mom  wouldn't do that to her two years. I suck my thumd way longer than I had a binky, my told me more than once that she wished took away the binky when I was ready to give it up.

    It a comfront thing I said let her have it untill she ready to give it up or only give it too her at bedtime and then take it away when she sleeping.(my mom also tried the bedtime thing and almost work but I woke up ever time she removed the binky.)  

  2. as a mother of three boys that are eight, three, and almost two i have done this several times, cut off the nipple part of the binky they will realise that it does not work for them anymore they will still try to use it and it will be a security blanket for them but they will not be able to suck on it anymore, telling a two year old that a new baby needs the binky does not work i am sure that you will hear this but at two they are the only one that matters in their mind when they want something

  3. here are some exmaple i got from the internet hope they help or give  u some type of idea

    Step1 Ever heard of the pacifier fairy? Have your toddler put their pacifiers under their pillow at bed-time. At night, as they sleep, the pacifier fairy will take the pacifiers and put a special gift under their pillow. After she collects the pacifiers, she can't give them back.

    Step2 Take your toddler to a fountain and have them toss the pacifier in it! The idea is to throw it away. Make sure your toddler is throwing it away for the right reasons and not because it's fun to throw stuff in the water!

    Step3 Pick a date and have a burial ceremony. Have your toddler say their final goodbye and bury the pacifier in the dirt. Just remember to go back and dig it up as they are not biodegradable.

    Step4 Do you know someone who is having a new baby? Teach your toddler the importance of sharing by explaining that babies need pacifiers. Talk your toddler in to wrapping their binky up and giving it as a gift. Just don't actually do it

  4. I took all mine off of the bottle and paci at 1. It sounds as if she may be used to getting her way through the mentioned behavior. All you can do now is ignore the tantrums and condition her to realize that will get her nowhere. I know that is not the answer you were looking for so... try offering her some new big girl object in exchange for the binky. Try to make her understand she can't be a big girl and a baby. Try to find something or someone she could willingly donate the binky to (a friends baby (not to use of course), one of her baby dolls).Basically, like a cigarette to a smoker, the binky is an addiction for her and it is going to be a hard habit to break. It is a source of comfort.  This is what I did with all mine:When she is throwing a fit, you should try locking her in your arms ( hold her like you did when she was smaller, with her stomach facing you, head on one arm,legs under other arm) so she can't squirm and rocking her in a swift, steady motion (maybe throw a pat on the butt in with the rhythm of the rocking and some shhh shhh's. When she does that 'all she has scream' and kicks trying to get down, tell her No No, You are going to stay here until you calm down. Hush Hush.). Sometimes it is easier to stand with them and go side to side. It might take a few minutes but it should calm her down. It is going to be tough, but you have to be consistent. She is determined she is going to keep it and you need to show her you are determined she's not.

  5. so this is what my sister is doing with my nephew we're going to disneyland in Oct so with him being so excited about being there she's going to throw them all out before we leave and see if it works hes 16 months old he doesnt know we're going cuz well he's 16 months old but she's hoping with the excitment he'll forget about it. also she heard of another idea to do that she read about but he's too young to understand the idea of it but a mature 2 year old might. It's called a binky garden so basically get some seeds and dirt and a pretty big pot and plant the seeds in it without letting her see you do it then tell her you want to make a binky garden and they will grow into flowers/strawberries/whatever and have her make little holes in the dirt and place the binky in and leave the handle part out of the dirt only put the nipple part in and after a week or so check on it and once you notice sprouts take the binkies out and throw them out and wake her up or when she wakes up tell her look binky turned into a plant or something like that. something i saw also on Nanny 911 was she had a little boy put all his binkies in a big envelope to send to the binkie fairy for little babies that need binkies and put it in the mailbox then the next morning she had him check the mail and there was a envelope full of little animals like toy tigers dinosaurs and such adressed to the little boy from the binky fairy and even in the envelope and around the mail box she put glitter and colored feathers and such around to show that the binkie fairy came.  

  6. We just started nipping the end off of it.  A little more every few days.  It just kept getting shorter and shorter.  Within a week or two she was down to the face shield.  Once she got tired of always using one hand to hold it to her face she never picked it up again.  And the best tears.

  7. My friend had a great idea... They would let her son have the binky and the cut the nipple on the binky shorter and shorter over a couple of weeks.  Her son thought that he was still having his way and then it got to short that he didn't want it. Since he couldn't keep it in his mouth.

  8. This is on every mothers mind. On one hand you can take it off her and just go through the obvious issues or you can try and 'swap' it for something of her choice.

    I apparently had dummies til I was 4 or so, and so my mum asked if I would like to buy a special toy and in return I can give the dummy to them, it worked and I still remember goiung to toy world and picking out a frog teddy.

  9. My boys didn't have a hard time getting rid of it so I don't really have any advice for you but I did have to say that I think the Build A Bear idea is so awesome. Besides I think boys tend to get over things faster than girls do anyway. What a nice thing for her to have as she gets older too. Something special from her childhood. That is such a great idea.  

  10. I threw it in the trash at 3 months, once i knew their suck was strong the pacifier was gone.  Some kids do that because they know you will give in, my sister doesn't take her sons away either for that reason but when he is at my house he knows I won't give it to him no matter how much he screams so he just doesn't bother any more.  

  11. try weaning her off it nap time and bedtime, then just have it at bedtime then take it away.tell her  Big girls don't have pacifiers. You can just throw them ALL out and she will get over it( but you will have tio listen to the screaming for a bit). I was reading on here someone wrecked the pacifier ( cut the niiple of it off) and told there kid it was broken. Thats all i can come up with for now. Good luck!

  12. I used to work at a daycare taking care of two year olds. Pacifiers are a very tricky subject! My co-worker told me about what she did with her sons pacifier and i thought it was adorable, it's something i want to do when i have my children. Take your daughter to a Build-A-Bear store.  Let her stuff her pacifier into the stuffed animal.  It will be sewn up and she can feel her paci in the stuffed animal whenever she misses it, plus its a great keepsake for when she's older.

  13. what my mom did with me is she got all my boo's together and threw them away. then she told me that the boo fairy came but left me a present (she bought me barbie.) but she told me the only was i could keep my barbie was if i didnt have boo's anymore. and it totally worked i didnt ask for my boo's any more

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