
I am looking for housemate to share rent. What is the norm. How much of a deposit. Can I ask for 2 months?

by  |  earlier

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can i ask for 2 mos. rent in advance. I need to make sure they are able to pay prior to moving in




  1. If your splitting the apartment or house and it is 2 bedroom house or apartment then split it equally in half.  If there are threee bedrooms split your rent in thirds.  Then look for another housemate after this one moves in.  It is ok to charge in the begining but typically you charge 2 of what they are expected to pay.  SO if your rent is 400 a month there share is 200 and upon moving in they must pay 400.  the extra 200 is called a security deposit.  You must return this when they move out if nothing in the apartment or house was damaged by them living there.  If the walls need to be repainted or carpet needs to be replaced you can take it out of the 200.  Whatever you do get it in writing.    Good Luck

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