
I am looking for my little brother??

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I was put up for adoption as an infant in 1985. I just met my biological parents for the first time 3 years ago. My birthmother had a little boy about 4 or 5 years after she had me. He was in her care for a little while, im not sure how long, maybe a year or two. The state took him away due to her mental illness. I have little info on him, but want to find him. Our mother's name is Joan M Heider and she lives in Chicago Il. My birth father's name is Paul Herbert, although I am not sure if that would also be my brother's father??? If this matches your info or you may know of a young man looking for the same woman PLEASE email me. Our mother often stays with her sister "Libby" near up town. My little brother is probably 17-20 years old.




  1. I'll let you know if I come buy this information.

    I wish you the best of luck finding him.

  2. All I can suggest to you is that you look all over on the net and register whereever possible. Get the word out there that your looking for him.  

    Try contacting the social services agency in the last known area that he was. Try taking out a classified ad on his birthday in that local paper.

    A great place for support for adoptees, both those that are searching & those that are reunited is

  3. what is his name?

  4. do you know if last name? if so he is probably on myspace at that age

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