
I am looking for parent suggestions. i have a 3 yr old and a 6 yr old and i want to create a chore chart?

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I am trying to give the girls more to do to keep them busy while i am cooking dinner, doing dishes. so i want to buy a poster board and happy face sticker but not sure with their ages what i should put as assignments on the chart.. any ideas would be great. what have you done to help keep your child busy? idea's that work and also one that were a loss cause...

thanks for helping




  1. -Sweeping the floor (with a mini kids broom)

    -Picking up all the ..... in the house (one day it could be clothes, the next toys & maybe the next day shoes.. etc) & then putting them were they belong

    -Making their beds (So easy&fun)

    -Vacuming(Let them use a small vacum & vacum in the nearest room, so you can keep an eye on them)

    -Setting the table! (Easy one) :)

    Hope this helps! 3 year olds also enjoy playing with containers on the floor with their doll(pretending to be mommy) & 6 year olds always tend to march to their own drum ;)

  2. putting dirty clothes in the hamper/putting clean clothes away

    picking up their toys

    picking up trash

    its very limited for children their age I tried my best

  3. for the 3 year old

    ~clean up play area

    ~wipe kitchen table off with a rag

    ~clean up her room

    for 6 year old

    ~clean room

    ~put dishes away

    ~set table

    ~help pick up play area

    ~clean bathroom mirror/pick up dirty clothes in bathroom

    ~take her clothes down the the laundry room

    ~bring any clean clothes to her room and put away

    ~help little sister with bath

    ~dress little sister for bed time

  4. Well, since the three year old is young and not as experienced, she should do basic but challenging stuff, such as pick up trash on the front lawn and pick up toys around the house. The six year old is older, so she should be able to do things like help dry the dishes and/or help clean up little places around the house (such as the basement), but give her little sections and tasks at a time so that she won't get overwelmed.

    I have a five year old daughter, and I usually have her clean up her room every Saturday and read. I REALLY recommend reading for the six year old because it will really help her get ahead or catch up in school. I like to give my child things to do that are school and education related because it keeps her thinking and learning.

    You should go to a bookstore and buy her about 5 little books that are appropiate for her age and she must read atleast one book a day. To make sure she is learning and paying attention, every night before she goes to bed, you should have her tell you atleast one NEW thing she learned that day.

    Hope I helped! Good Luck!

  5. the 3 year old should do chores such as pick up toys and easy little things like that but the 6 year old should pick up her room and clothes and stuff like that and after dinner have a chart in the bathroom to check to make sure they brush there teeth and wash up.If they get 10 stickers give them a special little prize or let them pick what you have for breakfast lunch or dinner or even dessert you could let them help you make a dessert AFTER dinner.Something simple such as cookies another assignment could be set the table with napkins and forks knives or spoons.If the 6 year old asks why the 3 year old has less or easier chores tell her that she is littler and as she gets older she will get more chores.

  6. well we actually do the same thing as you mentioned with our daughter she is 5......we have another 6 month old who is obviously not doing any but we dont really have specified chores for her to do we just ask for her to help when we need it, which is often at know she'll help set the table, clear it after dinner, keep her room clean, help mom fold some clothes just simple things that you can watch while she or he is doing it is what i would reccomend.  And then when she gets enough stickers on her chart for being a good girl and if she helped out without whining we get her a prize at the store or something/

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