
I am looking for realtors for West Virginia. Can anyone direct me in the right direction? I can't find any.

by Guest65848  |  earlier

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I am looking for realtors for West Virginia. Can anyone direct me in the right direction? I can't find any.




  1. Really depends on where in WV.  Just call any of the national realty companies and ask for a realtor in that area.

  2. s***w a realtors;driving around in leased cars, botox smile, and bending you and me over for 6% for doing JACK!

    Sell or buy PRIVATELY. Hire an attorney who does this(and save a ton of $$)

  3. I work with a lot of good Realtors across the country who work by referral. Go to and I'll personally refer you to a great one in West Virginia!

    As a buyer, you don't pay a commission to your Realtor. The seller pays commission. Get proper representation.

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