
I am looking for some games to play while kayaking

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I am taking a group of teens out on the water next week and I am looking for some games to play to keep their spirits high.




  1. Recently at a kayaking class the group played "tag", and a crazy hat was passed to the person who was touched by the paddler who was it.

    Kind of silly, but a good way to exercise maneuvering skills.

  2. football well you use your hands. say flush and every1 jumps in and the last person that gets back in  the kayak has to do a forfit.


  3. Leapfrog-- paddle in a line and have the paddler in back sprint to the front (optionally weaving through the other kayaks).

    Throwing a ball, frisbee, or other object and chasing it, possibly making a team sport out of it like ultimate frisbee.

    Kayak polo with a water polo ball or similar object (I've used a wad of duct tape). If they're really competitive, it could get kind of rough, so maybe something more cooperative like kayak hackey sack-- passing around a ball or object using only the paddle.

    Get them to try to stand up in their boats without tipping over. Or get them to get on top of the kayak, slide forward, and "kiss the bow".

    Get them to switch boats out on the water without getting wet.

    Slalom through any obstacles on the water, such as buoys, pilings, or the rest of your group. Have them try doing it with eyes closed and a buddy verbally guiding them.

    If it's hot out, show them how to splash each other with the paddle, although once they've started, they might not stop!

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