
I am looking for some good fundraiser ideas for my women's rugby team.?

by  |  earlier

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Other teams in our area have done lube wrestling, karaoke contest, etc. Not looking for youth fundraiser ideas (carwash and candy sales). We are adults.





  1. You can do a magazine fundraiser with my company, what that is, is that you have my company’s catalog, and sell the stuff in it to people, in return you make a profit of 35-45% . Also I understand you may not have money, our company pays for all of the materials, the books, and shipping of the materials too you, so try it out; you have nothing to lose. Well just email me: or you can email me with yahoo.

  2. Strip show....invite all the boys teams charge them an entry fee

  3. Hey there!

    I've been heavily involved with nonprofit fund raising for here are some ideas I have that could be relatively low in cost for your cause...

    1) Consider a mail campaign - depending on how many mailing addresses you have, you never know how many people might respond to your cause and just write you a check! This works amazingly well for several organizations that are short on time AND resources.

    2) Consider running an online auction - this is an AWESOME way to get to the people whose mailing addresses you don't have (ie you've got their EMAILS)...your email base can feel like they're using their expendable income on great stuff AND its going to their community at the same time!

    I've included a link of one of the online auction companies that I've worked with...cMarket. They also have another website,, that opens your auction up to all their members so that people who you don't even know can donate to your cause and bid on your items!

    3) Instead of having a garage sale at your home, try having a "garage" sale on eBay! Think of it as a virtual way to get rid of some stuff AND make a little more money...(make sure you include the cost of shipping those items online or else you'll end up losing money!).

    4) Have a fundraising event - give people in your community something to look forward to, and host a can sell tickets, have an auction, raffle prizes, etc that will give your community something to look forward to AND a perfect opportunity to donate to something they care about.

    5) One last tid bit - consider selling sponsorships for your event...this can help off set some of your cost INCREDIBLY. You'd be surprised how many local businesses want to be a part of your cause-minded event! You can ask for anywhere around $500 per sponsor, and if you put your auction online, you can ask for even more than that because they'll be getting just that much more exposure through your website and event emails!

    Best of luck with all of this! :)

  4. Bag packing at a local supermarket. ie- ASDA or Tesco etc.

    it worked for me!!

    Or- on a local Match day you could have buckets to put money in. It worked for me!!

    Or- Ask around your team for any unwanted presents, ornaments, games etc and do a car boot sale. Me and my Mum did one locally and we raised just over £174 between the 2 of us!! we didnt sell much either!!

    Anyway...Good luck with it all

    I hope you raise loads of money,


  5. you could , in essence hire yourselves out. for example, in Canada and the  states we have an adopt a highway program whereby local businesses agree to clean a section of roadway and the government puts up a sign  saying who maintains that section of roadway. but  some businesses may not want to pay their employees to clean the road as it may entail curtailing their hours of operation as no employee would go clean the road way for free. this is where you come in: your club will clean the roadway in exchange for a modest fee and the business maintains its hours but also gets the advertising and recognition of being a good community member.

    this idea could apply to more than roadways but anything you can  imagine

  6. You could do a calendar of some sort .

  7. A Calendar of course!

  8. A few ideas:

    1) The "get your kits off" calendar.  Go from mild to wild, depending on your own personal comfort level and placement of socks and rugby balls.  These usually do very well!

    2) Celebrity bartender night; contact your local drinking establishments; you work the bar and get a portion of revenues.

    3) Sevens tournaments- I went to one that you signed up for as individuals and were randomly assigned teams (they had coloured tee shirts to wear as jerseys).  For all that's good, have a good post-tournament party.  

    4) Not sure where you live, but I've seen rugby teams work concession stands at baseball/football games.  Football the most common since you're looking at only 8-12 games, mostly weekends (Sundays in America).  You basically pool your wages, sales, and tips.

    5) Tarts v. Vicars costume match.  Big in England.  

    6) Bachelorette/bachelor auction; if you can work with a men's club you'll draw a decent crowd.  

    7) Get sponsor logos on your playing kit.  Bars, "adult places" and the like would love to get their name out there.

    8) Sell club tshirts, has some good ideas.

    Good luck with your fundraising!

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