
I am looking for some like minded people to speak to as I am lost. ?

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I have spent the last 3 years learning about the nature of existance and what is really true in our world. I have researched for hundreds of hours related to who controls our world and what they want and more importantly what their next plans are.

My most recent attention has been of a spiritual nature and I have been learning the learnable side of spiritualality ie what you can be told and read from a book. I seem to have reached the end of what I can learn from videos and books in all of the areas that I have been studying and am now lost.

I feel isolated from other people in society as most people are not interested in the truth they are just interested in their next hit of coronation street or whatever vice they may have.

All I want to do is work to help the world and people, I have no ambitions for power or money and want nothing in return for any good I do. So as you can imagine this is a very lonely place as this places me as an opposite to the masses who dream of domination, money and gain.

I dont know what I am looking for on here so I welcome any constructive messages. Please no messages judging my observations because they strike home and cause offence I am merely writing things as I see them, which I am quite aware is not a perfect representation of how things are or I would not be writing this message in the first place.

Love and peace to you all





  1. I agree with you to a point. You sound frustrated and depressed. Go give your time to the needy and feel good about yourself again

  2. Mark, There is a lot of good that needs doing in the world.  I would look for organizations that are concerned about the same issues you are.  Are you concerned most about meeting people's basic needs in poor countries?  I would recommend Doctors without Borders, or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    Are you concerned about injustice in the world?  I would recommend Amnesty International?

    Other issues?  Global warming, the crisis in Darfur?

    First I think you need to think about where you are needed the most, and then I'd concentrate on finding the place that can put your good intentions into action.

  3. Dear Mark, first of all please do not feel lost o alone even if

    don`t seems the is a lot of people like you people who have  enough of this running just for the sake of money. But if you want to give time to help someone else the is plenty to do.If your are in very spiritual personal crisis, then ask God Christ and if you believe in them the angels  to show to you the way they always answer to asking prayers made in sincerity  honesty .Pace to you too  

  4. "I am looking for some like minded people to speak to as I am lost. ?"

    You're in the right place.


    No, seriously, go to college.

    Your "I have no ambitions" is a good start - you're not having those all-too-common delusions of grandeur. Accept that others know more than you do, and that much good is done by humble, patient people.

  5. You will definitely have to deal with ridicule mate but i feel you so i would like to show you my findings from my spiritual journey.

    I have found my direction headed towards God. I have come to live in the idea that we have this one lifetime to prepare our souls for eternity. Go on and enjoy life, but if what we do governs where we are after death, don't you think it's worth while investing in these opportunities just in case? Especially if it brings joy you and those around you?

    My faith in God has revealed the beauty of this world and it's ability to exist even in amongst realities ugliest faces.

    Hope you find what you seek Mark.

  6. Have you been to a church? I think you will recieve so much help there. Any church will be willing to offer you guidance. I'm Baptist/Pentecostal and I know that both of my churches will welcome you with open arms.

    "Coronation Street" - Yaay, there's another Brit on here, I thought I was alone!!

  7. read ( the god delusion )  

  8. If it makes you feel any better I'm not exactly "at home" within society. I have no desire for material wealth, etc, either. I've also been wondering what to do about it myself. For now I accept that this world is always going to want more and few find contentment. I would love to help, too, but I don't see where there's a lot you can do to make people understand that keeping up with your neighbor is senseless. It seems ingrained upon birth. I wish I had the answer, but all I can offer is empathy. Best wishes.

  9. Coronation street, the most annoying thing on television, which is the worst form of media available to us.  

    Rant over. Yes I think many of us are interested in the truth, just sometimes it is very hard to determine what is true and what is not. Remember you can not prove that you are anything more than a computer simulation, a bunch of circuits with artificial intelligence making this whole world for yourself and all the people in it.

    "I think, therefore I am" so to speak means we know we really think and do in some form or another actually be real, but that aside, I think all you can do is research what you are interested in, try and find the truth and find a soothing hobby! For me when coronation street goes on, its time to break out the soldering iron. Get yourself a copy of electronics for dummies, a soldering iron, multimeter and spend some time. Its surprisingly soothing once you get the hang of it!

  10. You seem a little lost, maybe you should try and contact a pastor from a local church, they should be willing to talk with you without judging you  or forcing a religion on you.. I would try it dude seriously

  11. You say, "All I want to do is work to help the world and people". Sounds like you already have what is to be gained from religion, although regular participation in religious activities may serve to keep you on track.

    What you can do depends on your situation and skills, as well as the opportunities you know about and are open to you. Bill Gates seems to have asked your question and used his money to create a foundation. If you are in such a situation, his actions are not a bad guide. Suppose you are 16 and a high school student: you might think about what education and vocation could best equip you to help the world and people. Many people chose medical work, but there are as many options as can be imagined. You might even choose to make money which later can be used. It isn't so much what you chose as how and for what purpose you do it. The important thing is to not lose your way. And, always, when one thing fails, or something does not turn out well, to try again with a fresh heart.

    Make friends, friends who share your goals, accomplishing anything is much easier, and lot more fun, if you're working together with others. And study what is actually helpful to other people. Sometimes things are a little more complicated than they seem at first sight. To help people you need a vision of what a good life for people and the world is, and practical skills which actually move things forward. So you will need both education and life experience.

  12. Its a question inciting questions.

    If you put that much effort into the study, I'm definitely interested to hear what yoou got from it.

    Also curious about what inspired it...

    Anyway, feel free.

  13. Hi Mark,

    I can relate. Could you summarize a little of what you have found into 1 paragraph? I know that's asking a lot, but maybe it will give a perspective of what you have found.

    I can understand what you say when you mention "Priorities".

  14. So, Mark, you didn't ask a question.  Is you're question what you can do next? Are you looking for an experiential path rather than an intellectual path to spirituality? Are you seeking a volunteer opportunity? A career path? Further study? I think you need to give us a little more to go on.

  15. Wow. You sound like a great person to me. All I can give you is my encouragement. Keep striving for the good. From the way you put it, there are unfortunately not many people out there who are like you, so remember that, and be thankful. Also don't spend all your life just looking stuff up and discovering the truth. You have to teach it and share yourself, otherwise, you might as well not exist, if you are only there to disco with the people who need it (there are a lot of them out there) and not have an effect on the world around you.  Good luck!

    Peace and love to you also

    PS. Try Catholicism :)

  16. I wish you would read The Power of Now and A New Earth, both by Eckhart Tolle.  They have had a huge impact on my life, my view of the world, my understanding of others and an appreciation for life that I have never had before.  It has filled me with a peace that I never knew could exist, and it has connected me to nature in a profound way. They are not very expensive books, you can probably find them at Costco.  You should start with The Power of Now,  I hope this helps!  

  17. Have you thought about becoming a Monk in a monastery?

  18. I suggest joining the Peace Corps.  (Does that still exist?)  or perhaps another organization that helps others in depressed and underdeveloped countries.  If you want to "help" in America, go to college, get a Master's in psychology and help people here.  Work with the empty-headed, spoiled, video-game zombie teens we have here....  work with addicts or special ed kids...

    There's plenty to do.  

    If you are seeking a spiritual life to do these things, go to a seminary or a Christian college.... although I'd be very cautious, because they may just 'brainwash' that goodness to DO good things right out of you.

  19. I'd echo Laptop Jesus.  "All I want to do is work to help the world and people"  So what's stopping you?  The whole purpose of feeling discontented is to spur us to make changes in our lives.  And you sure sound discontented!

    I spent quite a while reading and thinking about spirituality.  But the most useful lesson I received was when someone told me to get off my **** and start putting some of it into practice!

    You're only here on Earth for a short while.  There's no point spending most of it inside your head in my opinion.

    You want different things from most people around you?  So what?  That's not a problem as far as I can see.  It liberates you.

    I work in a care home for young adults.  It earns me enough to have a comfortable lifestyle.  But then I don't spend much on clothes, CDs, cars or whatever.  It suits me.  You need to find something that suits you.

    You could try volunteering - most local newspapers list opportunities and many libraries have information too.  But don't dismiss the benefits of an income.  We all need some money and you'll find it difficult to 'give' to others if you are constantly concerned about your own situation, finances or where the next meal is coming from.  You need to be strong in yourself before you start helping others IMO.

    The bottom line is that if you are honest about wanting to help others then there are opportunities out there.  And I suspect that if you do go in that direction you soon feel less isolated, lost or lonely.

    Journey well.


  20. what?????????? this is relig

    THERES NO END WHEN WE HAVE JESUS....ASK HIM into your heart today..

  21. Mark first pray and asked God to answer your questions for you and believe me, he will direct those to you who will answer your questions for you.  

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