
I am looking for some one from naples please.?

by  |  earlier

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i know this the wrong place to ask this,but i am looking a recipe for this cookie. it is made with whole almonds and oats, and other ingredients. you drink a special wine with it. only at christmas time. thank you for any halp you may give.




  1. i am from naples.

    maybe you are talking about "cantuccini" that we drink with vin santo (type of wine). but they are typical of tuscany anyway, and not only for christmas time.

    if you are talking about a typical christmas cake, it's panettone.

    but your description agree with cantuccini.

    i hope having help you.

    kisses from naples =)

  2. are the one's your asking about little round cookies that have a rough/uneven surface and a single almond placed in the center...? or i cantuccini like the other answerer said? (which are typical of Tuscany not Naples)


    This is the recipe I found: (you'll probably want to half it cause the quantities are rather large, I translated all the quantities and oven temperature as well so you don't need to worry about that)



    2 lbs of honey

    1 lb of sugar

    2 lbs of flour

    11 ounces of shelled almonds

    citrus pieces (to taste) (I'm pretty sure they're referring to candied lemon)


    Melt the honey in a saucepan over medium heat, add the sugar. Remove from eat and add the almonds and citrus pieces. In a large bowl add the flour and then pour in the honey mixture. Mix until you can form a ball from the dough. Halve the dough and make a large "S", flatten and bake at 400F. As soon as they are browned/golden remove from oven.


    Obviously you could form any shape cookie you want from these, but this is what I found about the way it's traditionally done.

    Hope this helps!

  3. omg I ate this too when I went there I can't remember the name either ugh!

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