
I am looking for some type of day program for my daughter who is 1 1/2 other than going to a day care?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know of any day programs that she could attend in maryland,(pg county area) or washington dc. And why is head start only for low income families? don't all children deserve the right to learn at an early age. Any resources would be great. thanks.




  1. I don't know what's available in your area, but other than day cares, try some churches that have Mother's Day Out type of programs.  And the reason Head Start is for low income families is because it is sponsored by DHR which ordinarily deals with food stamps and other state and federal subsidized programs for low income people.  Without Head Start some children might never receive an early childhood education before kindergarten.  I am a product of Head Start and glad I had the opportunity.  But I was also a product of day cares.  Day cares when I was a child were not as great in terms of education as what day cares now tend to be.

  2. If you go to church you may want to check with them also. My son's church has a daycare program that lets him pick what days he wants his 2 and 3 year old to go on. It does cost  a small few but they can go anywhere from 1 day to 5 days. I guess it costs more for the more days you go but I think he pays like maybe $50 a week for 2 children and they go 3 day a week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

    Maybe your city has something like this as well.

    Hope this helps.

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