
I am looking for someone to answer my 4 yr girls question- what is this plant called?? she sings to!?

by  |  earlier

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This tree/weed she said she planted, is almost 12ft tall now, she has been singing to it everyday and gave it miracle grow, I have no idea? I just want to make sure its not poisonious... Thank you..




  1. too hard to make a wild guess about five leaves and a base!

    send me the pic...... clik my picture over there.....if you can't use one of the photo hosts to upload it, that 12 ft it's got to be a weed!!... LOL!!... lovely tho, that she sings to it!!... gotta see this plant!!!....hug her for us... she's gonna be quite the gardener!!!...

  2. Based on the description you have given, it sounds like a castor bean plant.  These are very poisonous if the seeds or any part of the plant is eaten.  It is okay if your daughter wants to sing to it and all, but be careful that she enjoys it without touching it.

  3. I just want to rule this out,  I hope I’m wrong, but I couldn’t pass this one. Your child probably loves this plant.

    The first plant I thought of that grows that fast and that tall is castor plant.

    The castor plant is very distinctive plant, and it is poison.,

    I think you should rule it out, it is easy to identify.

    Additional information

    this is what most use to post pictures, but I haven't tried it yet

    Im sure you have to have a membership.

  4. without a picture i dont think we can help

  5. I tell people all the time in here to sing to their plants and I think they believe I could be a little they know it that your 4 year old is going to be a great singer.......if the plant doesn't eat her:) Have fun....but I would get it checked...........sounds interesting....would be nice to take a peak.     bye

  6. Without a picture and some idea of where you are in the world, there's not a whole lot anyone can do but guess wildly from your description.   You can probably submit a leaf and small section of twig to your local extension office for identification if you're in the US, or take it to the best local nursery in the area to see if someone can id it for you.

  7. Sounds like a sunflower to me.

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