
I am looking for somewheres to play volleyball in a open format.?

by  |  earlier

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I have played I adult open volleyball games from 1994 -2006.I played a schools,churches and outdoors during spring and summer when weather aloud.I have played thru Adult ed. groups in New Jersey and Tenn.While I was living in New Jersey and New York I played with friends at schools with open volleyball games.

Right now I'm living in Albany New York and have been looking for some place to play,because the YMCA only has closed games,with teams made in advance.




  1. Ask around...there are tons of schools, etc...that have rec your mouth and ask...Question everyone you know or don't know...know where I can catch a game of volleyball.  Once you get going, it will be hard to slow down...check with colleges if there are any by you!

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