
I am looking for songs by women with feminist lyrics!?

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i have a sociology project which consists of anaylzing a song that portrays a member of the minority (i.e. women) retaliating against the majority (i.e. men)

so far i thought of Aqua - Barbie Girl which clearly symbolizes the materialistic success America drives women to achieve, saying that "life in plastic is fantastic"

but i need something that talks about the gap that exists between men and women...i need a female ranting about the unfairness in society allowing women to mobilize upwardly!




  1. How about Aretha Franklin's "RESPECT" ? I think she was the first one to sing about women being strong and not letting men bully them around.... plus she was colored so the song had a really big impact back when it was released in the 1960's!

  2. Oh my gosh, listen to some Bikini Kill

    They were the leeeaders of the Riot Grrrl movement in mid 90's.. I cant think of any exact songs right now,

    but there were a few riot grrrl bands, around,

    the ones that come to mind are Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, and early Sleater-Kinney stuff.

    Theres one S-K song called #1 must have,

    some of the lyrics go

    "there are still being concerts where women are raped,

    watch me make up my mind insted of my face,

    the #1 must have, is that we are safe,

    And I think that I sometimes must have wished,

    For something more than to be a size 6,

    But now my inspiration rests,

    Inbetween my beauty magazines and my credit card bills"

    Not exactly what you're wanting, but if you investigate a little further, you'll find stacks more... just google "Riot Grrrl"

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