
I am looking for tips on getting my 2 year to sleep in her toddler bed.?

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My daughter will be turning 2 at the end of this month. We set up her toddler bed yesterday, so right now in her room is the bed and her crib. Last night she wanted to be in her bed for about an hour, while getting out about 7 times...but eventually she wanted to sleep in her crib.

I have a 4 month old that sleeps in a bassinet in our room and we are hoping to have the girls sleeping in the same room soon - 1 in the bed and other in the crib.

I am wondering what the best way to transition to toddler bed while the other is going to be taking "her" crib.

PLease help!!!!! :)




  1. Your child is two and doesn't get what she wants until you get what you want.  You want her to sleep in her bed then take out the crib.  She will get out of a bed a few times and you just have to put her back in.  Reward her sleeping the whole night in her bed with a treat but only when she spends a whole night in her bed.  Be the parent not the friend.  Once she is sleeping the whole night in the crib then bring back the crib and put the baby in it.  Kids only need two things.  Consistancy and repitition.  It will take a couple of days probably and you just have to be consistant.

  2. Just bare with it, stand your ground. She'll get used to it. If she cries, let her. I know it's difficult to hear them cry but, it's better that she learn to sleep in her own bed. Too many things can happen if she decides to climb in with the younger one. Good luck.

  3. We had to do this with our 2 sons. Also sharing a room. Try sitting by your daughters bed until she goes to sleep. (You may need a book for yourself, because it can take some time). If she wakes up in the middle of the night, go and sit there again. It IS SO hard, but usually doesnt last more than a week or two. If she insists on falling asleep in the crib, try to move her to the bed while she's asleep, and maybe she'll get used to it that way. Tell her that she is SO big, that now she is ALLOWED to sleep in the big bed. Make it seem like a privelege for being so grown up. Good luck!

  4. Talk to her about it. Don't talk down to her, but just talk to her like she was older. Tell her how much fun it will be when the girls are in the room together. Let her pick out some decorations for them. Make a big deal out of it, show her how wonderful it is that she is such a big girl and is helping Mommy out soooo much.

  5. The easiest way may be to just take the crib apart for a week or 2 while you get her to sleep in the big girl bed, then put it back in for your infant. And make it exciting like your gonna have a big girl bed now and let her play in it and stuff, she'll get used to it. My daughter went to the big girl bed no problem.

  6. i had both of my kids pick out all the bedding for the new bed, sheets, blankets, everything, they had exactly what they wanted and if they wanted to sleep with it, they had to use the big kids bed... it only took 1-2 nights and it was over. good luck

  7. Tell her you need the baby to be in the crib. Remind her she is a big girl. ask her if she will sleep in her big girl bed next to the baby so she wont be scared at nigh. Really play up that she is a big girl now and needs to help mommy with the baby. SHe is way too big to be in that crib she could fall out.

  8. Try putting something special in it! Like her favorite toys or teddy bears or something new.

    Good Luck

  9. A good friend of mine had the same situation as you. She kept reminding her daughter that the bed is for "big girls" and "big girls" got to do a lot of other fun things. Remind her the crib is for babies who don't get to do all the same fun stuff big girls can do. I am not sure if it will help your situation, but it worked for her daughter.

  10. tell her that only big girls sleeep in big girl beds

  11. First of all, get rid of the crib from the room for now.  Put it in a different room, and don't let her see it if possible.  Also, if you give in and let her end up sleeping in the crib, you are setting yourself up for a nightmare.  Don't give in.

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