
I am looking forward in trying contact lenses for the first time. What is a fitting fee?

by Guest63140  |  earlier

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I am looking forward in trying contact lenses for the first time. What is a fitting fee?




  1. depends on the doctor.

  2. At my office for new contact wearers the fee is 75.  This includes a class to learn how to care for them, put them in and take them out.  It also covers all contact follow ups for 60 days. Included is a trial pair of contacts, and everytime we tweek the rx we give you those lenses as well.  You dont' pay anything else until your rx is given to you!!  GOOD LUCK!

  3. None of the two places I have been had had a "fitting fee."  I just paid for the exam and the contacts.

  4. A fitting fee is a fee that your doctor charges you to make sure you are putting your contacts in correctly and also to make sure that the prescription is correct.  Most times the fitting fee is $ 30-35. (That is what my eye doctor charges.)  Unfortunately, you need to pay this each time you go to the doctor and get a new or even the same prescription....even if you have worn contacts for 10 years.  I tried to avoid this fee one time by saying..."I have worn this brand of contacts for 5 yrs and I don't need you to tell me they fit."... It didn't work.  I still had to pay the $35.  When you call in and ask for a "contact" eye exam they usually quote you the price with the fitting fee so you don't have anything unexpected at the time payment is due.

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