
I am looking into a new job direction, but I do not know if there is a need for it though.?

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I have training in law enforcement, and emergence medicine (EMS- Ambulance/Fire Rescue).

is there a need for a person with my training and experiences, as a LGBT advocate dealing with the police dept. and the hospitals when one of us is a victim of a hate crime, or any other issues that require some one that knows the legal system, and how would I go about getting a job like this? I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma and really like it here.




  1. I am from Tulsa, born and raised. I live in Rochester, NY now though. I have to say that yes there is a need for that type of job in Tulsa, but unfortunately there are a lot of people in that town who hate g*y people and many of them are in high levels of power. Even here in New York a person would have a very hard time getting on a payroll for that kind of position. In Tulsa I would say that it would be almost impossible. If somebody were to approve a taxpayer expense like that in Tulsa I think their career and their political future would probably be in jeopardy. However, there is no reason you can't try for it.  

  2. Go for it!  There is always a need for people to advocate for members of our society who would otherwise be "scraped under the rug".  Have you talked to anyone at the Neill Equality Center downtown?  There are bound to be some folks there who would have more advice on how to go about finding a job that would match your description.  The GLBT needs protection just as much as children and battered women do.  Good luck!

  3. You should contact your local EMS center and see if the can find a place to put you I have seen this done before and it thrived nicely so take a chance and check it out because there is definitely a need for it.Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. idk, you could be a cop in a g*y town/;p

  5. ya usually their lawyers though. people with your experience would be more of a volunteer.

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