
I am looking to adopt a baby girl, a private adoption legal and at low cost can anyone help?

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I am looking to adopt a baby girl, a private adoption legal and at low cost can anyone help?




  1. I have two teenage boys you can have. They are changing moods and strouting hair. One minute they are fine and the next they are fighting. They come in a pair and they are not house trained. GOOD LUCK

  2. To Lexie Beth who posted above.  I know you did not mean any harm, but adoption is NOT about parents deciding that their children are too much to handle, moody or difficult, then giving them away.  It IS about loving parents sacrificing to give their children a better life.

    So -- there are no quick and easy answers to adoption.  You must go through all the proper channels just like everyone else does.  Choose an agency for the best protection (but highest fees), an attorney (for highest fees and least counseling for birthmother), a facilitator (for lowest fees, least information and no birthmother counseling), or go it alone (less fees but much much more risk to you!).

  3. For those of you that cannot afford adoption costs, then please consider adopting thru your state agencies. Often people are fostering to adopt and though this is not a sure thing, you will be providing a loving home to a child who really needs it.

  4. I want a child to very bad and I can't afford adoption, but I am stable and do have nice jobs but we dont have 15,000 dollars

  5. If it is private then it will be low cost. Contact an attorney. You will be able to claim your adoptions fees as an income tax credit on your income tax next year and that will get some of the fees back to you

  6. have you considered (and I mean this seriously) hang out around the abortion clinics. I knew a lady who did this and convinced a lady to let her adopt the child rather than terminating the pregnancy

  7. go to a park with running shoes. snatch and run...

  8. only god can

  9. A Link Adoption

    704-272-2229  Amy Miller

    We adopted our daughter almost 7 years ago. This is not an agency, they are adoption facilitators and Amy is wonderful.  Please talk with her, she can help you.

    Good Luck and God Bless

  10. adopt from another country. i met someone recently who had great sucess in guatemala.  good luck

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