
I am looking to adopt.?

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a phillipino

or portuguese


but i was hoping i could get one before i move

which is in four months.




  1. Here's the info on adopting from Portugal:

    from the State Department.

    And from the Philippines:

    Read those pages to find out the process and procedures.  

    I think you're going to have a very tough time, though, completing an adoption on the time frame you home to.  Most adoptions take anywhere from 6 months (super fast & when everything goes perfectly smoothly) to years and years.

    It will take you at least a couple of months to gather your paperwork for your dossier to even be submitted.  It also takes Immigration a long time to process the paperwork so the child can come to the US from wherever.  (for us Immigration took 6 months because of a glitch they had...for most it takes at least three months).

    Count on at least a year is what I'd say.  Maybe you could begin the process after you move & then the time frame won't be so imperative.

  2. If you adopt, it will take time. I adopted a girl from the phillipines and the whole process took about 15 months. You have to fill out the paperwork so you can be seen as fit to adopt, then organize a meet with the biological or fostor parents, or a meet for the head of an orphanage. Then you have to choose a child. then later meet the child, then return in a few months and have a court hearing to make your process legal. Then the citizenship papers and such for the childs return so it is legal in both countries. These things take time.

  3. Adopting a baby takes time and a lot of planning. Why do you need to do it before you move?

  4. A child is not something to "get", like a sofa!  To adopt, it takes lots of time, education, an approved homestudy, counseling, thought, preparation, paperwork, and then you have to qualify!  Not all prospective parents are approved.

    And no one in their right mind would introduce a child into an unstable situation.  You are moving, and that is no the time for a baby to come into a family.  Children need stability, consistency and familiar sights and sounds and smells!  If this never occurred to you, please take a child development class before you go any further.

    Once you get settled, then call agencies and talk to many, go online and read about agencies, and join forums and talk to other adoptive parents.  Do your research.  You might want to try:

    Remember, do what is truly in the best interest of the child!  That's what real parents do.

  5. it ususally takes at least a year to adopt a baby and often times quite a bit longer.

  6. not likely to happen, first you have to foster a baby for at least 6 months before you can even adopt, and if you wanna do just an adoption without the fostering you could be waiting up to 3yrs.

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