
I am looking to come back to the Catholic Church, after 15+ years. Would I still be welcome back?

by Guest60549  |  earlier

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I grew up in Chicago and was baptized when I was born, and attended Catholic School for 3 years. I have not gone since then and was wondering if I would even be welcome back. I live in San Diego and do not have the slightest idea where to go, and am pretty fuzzy on most of my saints, etc. Any help would be appreciated.




  1. Absolutely, yes.  You've been missed!  I know many people who have come back to the Church -- one was my sister-in-law who returned after 26 years.  

    Here's a web site just for Catholics in your situation.  You might find it helpful.

    Welcome back!

  2. Yes you would be very welcome coming back to  the Church, I came back after 15 years myself. Just speak to the priest at mass or make an appointment I didn't attend RCIA when I came back but you can if you wish to, the priest will advise you. If you would like further advice my email is open.

    Welcome back and God Bless.  

  3. Will the lord welcome you back.  According to the scripture yes.  If the church will not then you need to find another one.

  4. There is no greater reunion than one that has returned.

  5. Go to your nearest parish church. They will open their arms and heart to you.

    I am atheist, but was born to a Catholic family and keep close bonds with the church, and know that the Catholic way is a quietly confident way. they have learned their lessons over two thousand years, and never turn their backs on anyone.

  6. You will be welcomed back with open arms. If you have not had first communion or first reconciliation you will have to go through RCIA in order to receive the Eucharist. It will also serve as a great refresher. (You would just have to go to confession if you had already received those sacraments before you could receive.)

    Go to and find the nearest church. Just call and tell them your situation. They will be kind to you and let you know when the classes begin. It should be starting up soon and you will be welcomed fully into the church at Easter. -This is assuming you have not received first communion and first reconciliation yet.  

  7. Welcome home.

  8. Once a Catholic, always welcome! So are any others.

    Contact your nearest Catholic parish church.

    Check in the phone book under Catholic or Diocese.

    Or just do a Google search for Catholic Churches.

    I'd suggest you sign up for RCIA to take instruction.

    I doubt whether you completed your sacraments.

  9. Yes.

    You will be welcomed back into the Church of Our Lord as a shepherd embraces a lost lamb.

    Please tune into EWTN.

  10. No one will even notice that you were gone.

  11. I attended Catholic School for eight years and I don't worry about the Church.  I'm a Christian.  I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.  I attend Church only occasionally because Jesus said:  "Go ye not into the synagogues for men do these things to be seen by others."  Accept Jesus into your heart and your life.  Don't concern yourself with the Church.  As long as you bring money to put into the baskets, you will always be welcome there.

  12. Of course you are welcome back.  Don't listen to the doofuses who are being silly.  You can start out here online.  Go to for one.  Catholic Answers is another good site.

    and of course

    Then of course you pick the parish that you feel most comfortable with, and speak to the priest.  Don't worry, it will all come back to you. :)

    Welcome home :)

    Hugs and blessings

  13. If you would like more answers, consider asking around this site as well...

  14. If the members of a religion that preaches acceptance won't welcome you back it tells you something about them. Think about it.  

  15. you would be welcomed back

    -my father's a deacon so when i asked him.. he knew what he was talkin about

    even after 30 or so years, you'd still be welcomed back

    at first it might be a little shock.. but watever you can go back if you wish

  16. It'll all be fine. Just start going to church again. It won't be a problem. You'll catch up on the little routines before long. Just watch the people around you. If you're still uncomfortable, talk to a priest.

  17. The only saint you have to know to attend church is yourself.

  18. I'm not sure of your age, but you might consider a university church as a starter. Many have a mass for adults, and liturgies are usually well planned. University of San Diego? Or the Newmann Center at UC San Diego or San Diego State? Also, you could call the Dioceses of San Diego and ask them what parishes they'd recommend for someone returning.

    There also are programs for Catholics who want to re-investigate the Church. Usually meet once a week for 4-6 weeks for an hour or two of presentation and questions/answers--great way to start. Again, the dioceses' office should be able to help you find one.

    Another resource is the RCIA program, which any parish will have for adults who want to become Catholic or were baptised but want to learn more and receive First Communion and/or Confirmation.

    It can take a little effort sometimes to find the right parish, but I can assure you it's worth the effort. What you remember (saints, etc) doesn't matter. Your desire to praise God does. I'll pray for you and your journey tonight.  

  19. Of course, the Church is always happy to welcome back someone like you.  The root is biblical.  Just don't expect too much.  It may or it may not give you the fattened calf.

  20. yes you would be welcomed back. Welcome Home. just go to your local Catholic Church and ask to talk to the priest and tell him that you want to come back to the Church and he'll help you from there.

  21. catholisism is a religion that has lost so many adherents over the years because of their rigid stupidity on the social issues of the day. i was an 8 year school boy and a 6 month seminarian with the jesuits. They taught me more questions than answers and i quit deciding to beleive more in God than the church. Good luck to you in your reacceptance of a failed religious doctrine.

  22. Of course you would be welcomed to be re-educated in the faith. Attending church is basically the first step. It would be best if you went to a church where you feel that the priest there is approachable. You can head to mass on weekdays 20 minutes before it begins, and a attend the Confessions.

    There you can confess your sins with the priest and ask him for help for you to begin your journey in serving God.

    As far as having a communion, you would have to skip out on a few of the first communions for a while and continue on with prayers of mercy. Ask your priest if you should undergo "conformation classes" or ask him to let you know when he thinks it would be appropriate for you to have a communion.

    Good Luck.

    I hope I've been a help. My uncle, who is a Priest himself, says he will pray for you.

  23. Of course you would! Please do not wait any longer. You have ben gone too long.  

  24. WELCOME HOME!!  Contact your local parish and speak with the priest and ask about RCIA, classes are about to begin for the year. Again welcome home and may God bless you on your journey.

    Catholic Christian

  25. christians will always welcome you back if you want to come back.

    its kinda like forgive and forget. they forgive you and forget your sins. XD well humans are too forgetting (or forgiving lol)

  26. With open arms.  They are always grateful when the lost sheep return.  THey might make you take RCIA classes.  It's sort of a refresher course.  

  27. You are very welcome. I don't think you need to worry about memorizing all the aren't going to be tested. You want to reunite with the Church, not go back to school.

    Our arms are open wide.


    (RC churches in San Diego)

  29. Of course you would be welcomed back.

    Here is a link to all the Catholic parishes in San Diego:

    Just find the one closest to where you live and come back to Mass.

    You will probably want to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) before receiving the Eucharist (Holy Communion).

    If you have never received the Eucharist then ask them about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

    After you get settled you will want to inquire about being Confirmed.

    Welcome home.

    With love and prayers in Christ.

  30. Why would you want to? The Catholic church follows a Jesus that has to be calmed down by Mary, a Jesus that comes back into the Eucharist as an ongoing sacrifice even though He said it was finishes, a Jesus that has a replacement on earth called the Pope. This is NOT the Jesus of the Bible. You might be accepted by the "church", but not by Jesus Christ!!

  31. The short answer is yes.

    My dad left the Catholic Church for more than 30 years, until he met and married my step mother. She, being a practicing Catholic, they decided to have a full Mass wedding.

    You may be required to take catechism again, I know my dad did. As for where to go, I'd look for a Catholic Church near where you live. I suspect that your local phone book will have listings, or you could try put your home address into map. When the map comes up, above it look for "Search Nearby". To the right is a drop down box labeled  "Select a Category" Church Organizations is in the list.

    By the way, my dad is now a Deacon in his local church.

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