
I am looking to find out a type of metal if there is a type like this?

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i am looking to find out if there is a metal that is as light as aluminum , durable , can with stand heat as hot as re-entering earths atmosphere , easy to shape , stronger than a tanks armor so it can with stand some missiles that is pretty much all i am looking for in this type of metal . ooo and it need to be able to with stand pressure deeper than a sub-marine can go... so anyone who can help me that would be great


Melvin Mead




  1. All the aerospace manufacturers are looking for such a metal,or alloy, too.  The closer they come, the more secretive they become.

  2. There are plans to innovate a metal/glass alloy underway.

    It will be very light/strong/easy to shape, but harder than other alloys available now. For decades, scientists have known that when glass cools from a molten state the atoms become jammed in a random pattern, whereas the atoms in metals form a regular, crystal lattice structure.

    Little has been known about why glass forms this way, because it's impossible to view the atoms in glass as they cool.

    Researchers used special particles called colloids that mimic atoms and be seen through state-of-the-art microscopy.

    When the colloids were cooled they formed a gel that sets out to become a crystal, but get trapped in a meta-stable state - somewhere between a liquid and a crystal.

    As the researchers had suspected, the atoms become 'jammed' due to the formation of icosahedra-like structures.

    Some materials crystallise as they cool, arranging their atoms into a highly regular pattern called a lattice, (steel)

    But although glass 'wants' to be a crystal, as it cools the atoms become jammed in a nearly random arrangement, preventing it from forming a regular lattice.

    The jammed random arrangement of atoms in glass is what makes it very strong, but brittle.

    Metals form a regular crystal lattice pattern, which allows them to be distorted or bent, but makes them less strong and prone to metal failure.

    Combining the two materials to form a metallic glass alloy, could result in a material that has strength and flexibity.

  3. Oh you want some Girillium.Goodluck

  4. A Titanium alloy or composite is my best guess.

  5. No problem. Look around for a car called a YUGO.

    You will be able to use the car as a submarine or fishing boat. If you get into space it can easily reenter the atmosphere with no damage.

    Don't worry about driving onto secure US military bases it can withstand all weapons fire including nuclear missiles.

    Answer provided for entertainment purposes only just like the question.


  6. construct a missile that can lock onto or has a "abnormal magnetic detect function", and fire it at the first U.F.O. that you see flying by! you should be able to get a small truck load. that's probably your only option cause i do not think that the government will give you any of it!

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