
I am looking to go work/volunteer in Africa or foreign place that needs my help...?

by  |  earlier

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I want to make a difference in the world in a place like Africa, china, Kenya, anywhere basically i can go and travel and help people is what I am interested in doing. let me know if you have any ideas or organizations that can get me started............




  1. If you would consider going to Haiti check out this website, Haiti is considered to be the poorest nation on earth. I was there in January, it will break your heart. God Bless You for wanting to get involved.

  2. You should first find out what it is that you can do.  If you know about agriculture you can help farmers in a poor country, if you know about civil engineering you can help build roads and bridges in some countries.

    If you have nothing to offer other than an interest in helping, you probably will not have much to offer.

    Expect to pay your own expenses.

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