
I am looking to have a poker night at home?

by  |  earlier

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I have about 8 friends who want to have a pokert night at home, but we dont know how to play or have the equipment. A friend said there are companies that will come to your home with all the equipment and teach us how to play. Does anyone know of these companies or used them





  2. As was already mentioned above the cost of these services is a little much for house games. They usually cater to corporate clients. If you don't care about money then go for it but you don't need to.

    If you do want to put some effort into getting good equipment then find a local source for KEM cards. They cost considerably more than the normal cards but they last forever and are what a real casino would use. Den for Men or any game store will have them or you can buy them online.

    Chips you can get from where ever you buy the KEMs. You can get cheap chips anywhere but again if you want a nicer feel spend more and get clay or ceramic chips. Clay are the most popular but I actually prefer ceramic. Good chips can be more than most people expect $100+ so maybe start with the plastic ones from any department store and then if you like poker get the better chips later.

    A table is going to be pricey. We paid $400 for each of ours that were made by a local handyman who was a degenerate gambler and owed everyone money. Normally if you buy them from a store expect to pay closer to $1000. You can find cheap ones but the fake leather breaks and starts to peel after a few months of use.

    Rules of poker are fairly easy. Just google poker rules and read them over. After you read the rules download any poker game from Just search for Texas Holdem and you should get a few thousand hits. Install one and play a little against the computer. Re-read the rules. Play a little. It shouldn't take you more than an hour to fully understand the game. It is very simple

  3. Cant say i have, but my bfhad a poker night, he got a poker set and that had instructions in the set.

    you can also play online for free on some sites.

  4. Check out this free e-book about online poker, I'm sure it can be of interest to you.

  5. Unless you are insanely rich, don't waste your money on that c**p.

    What you need to play poker:

    1. Chips (you can buy them cheap at walmart)

    2. Table (you can use any old table or you can buy one cheap at walmart)

    3. People (4-8 is usually plenty for a good game).

    How to play poker:

    Everyone now-a-days is playing texas hold em. It's extremely easy to learn how to play but very hard to master. All you really need is a basic understanding of the rules and hand rankings and your good. Go here:

  6. The homepokertourney site is the only resource you need. They have sample blind schedules rulebooks, how many chips to start with, etc. I used this as a reference when I started having home tournaments a few years ago.

  7. Have you ever think about getting a private online tournament for your friends and you?

    that is a great way to play with your friends even if they are far away. I know that some online poker rooms will give you all the information to learn how to play poker games, if you like visit my site there you can find poker rooms where to can get all the information you need

  8. We made a poker table top out of a big sheet of chip board, covered it with felt and it looked great. Then scored 1000 poker chips second hand out of the paper. We learned to play by watching episodes of Celebrity Poker Showdown. Why bother paying someone for the privilege? DIY is more fun.

  9. Poker nights are fantastic, but it really helps to have one person who has memorised the rules.  Everyone else will pick it up within 20 minutes guaranteed!  Fun night.

  10. I have used Dial a Dealer before and they are excellent.

    It will cost you about £200 - which is 25 quid each, and you will have fun and learn the rules properly, with a dealer that will help the evening be a success.

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