
I am looking to relocate, possibly to North Carolina or Texas as a teacher. Salary wise, which one is best?

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I am looking to relocate, possibly to North Carolina or Texas as a teacher. Salary wise, which one is best?




  1. Depending on where you relocate in North Carolina, you can make a substantially better income than in Texas.  The best area you will find is in the Raleigh area.  Cary, NC and Wake County Public School System has published their salary pay grades and should provide you with a pretty clear picture of what to expect.

    NC also has the better weather, mountains and beaches just a couple hours away in either direction.  Good times.

    Wake County Public School System Website:

  2. North Carolina teachers make about 3K more a year than Texas.  However Texas is lower in crime rate because of the Castle Law.  Gun control in Texas is using both hands.  You're safer.

  3. The starting salary for a teacher in Texas is 42,500 to 45,000 and depending on what you teach you may be entitled to stipends. The cost of living in Texas is also lower than North Carolina. Also there are many houses that are available especially for teachers at 50% of the actual cost!! They are actually very nice homes near the museum district!!

  4. While Texas may  be an easier place to get a job as a teacher because there are more job opportunities... North Carolina pays better.  However... the cost of living in NC is higher.  So, you just have to weigh out the pros and cons.  Texas is beautiful and affordable.

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