
I am looking to start a landscape maintenance and irrigation company at my home;what should I do?

by Guest61792  |  earlier

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I am looking to start a landscape maintenance and irrigation company at my home;what should I do?




  1. Get it then.

  2. I guess unless you have alot of startup money figure out a good game plan.

    I know of a few others that started out in basic lawncare,mowing,edging,weed eating.As there clientele base started growing so did they.

    Let me say this,a good caring attitude and positive outlook shall carry you far.Don't give your work away,if a lawn is worth $30.00 then charge it.

    smaller lawns (front/back) $30.00

    medium lawns (front/back) $40.00 - $60.00

    larger lawns (front/back) $60.00 and up.

    Use good quality equipment and have a back up plan for it.You may also have owners that want the clippings bagged and removed,charge accordingly,it ain't free.

    As you get bigger you will have to think of the unbearable

    FIN number

    Bookeeping and my old friend the IRS.

    General liability insurance

    workers comp insurance

    additional vehicles,insurance,reliable employees.

    I also do snow removal in the winter to help make ends meet.So self employment isn't all peaches and cream but can/does have it's rewards.

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