
I am losing faith in GOd - help?

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I pray all the time and it seams He doesn't hear me.I have yet to find peace of mind. I need some ways restoring my faith in God?




  1. oh sweetie, I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time... one of the things that I've learned about prayer is that God answers them in His time not ours.  All we can do is continue to follow Him and His word and pray.  Consider what it is you are praying for and keep a prayer journal.  Maybe God has heard you and you haven't seen the answer you are expecting.  Don't forget that He doesn't give us anything He knows we can't handle.  There's always a lesson to be learned, even when things are so rough and we can't see it.

    Probably not the answer you are looking for, but I pray that you will find it.

  2. Stop praying and pay attention. Ignore the impulse to pray and just live your life one day at a time. Eventually you will find your way back to Him.

  3. You can be sure there is nothing God doesn't hear but He doesn't always answer us immediately - God said in the OT - that you will find me when you seek me with ALL your heart. Scripture also says that our hearts are deceitful more than all else - To follow Christ means to battle with your heart all through your mortal life - its a battle to get some pure motives and integrity into our hearts - out of which come our actions...

    Jesus said that before attempting to become a Christian you should count the cost to see if you are prepared to pay what it costs in this life - it means denying yourself, destroying your soul for Christ and deadening your sinful body - are you going to last the course of is this commitment too much - scripture says that all who want to live righteously in Christ will be persecuted and that through many afflictions we enter the kingdom of God...

    On the plus side if you have the strength needed to get through the cramped gate and make it along the narrow way which leads to salvation then the actual load Jesus asks us to bear is an easy one... -its the getting back on track that is difficult...

    To ask things of God you can call on His name - 'Iyehuweh' or 'Yahweh' and when He answers check that its Him by asking 'Did you send Jesus Christ to die in the flesh' - If He affirms 'yes' then you know its God... Then ask whatever but you may need to keep on asking and you need to keep on testing the replies to see if it is God and not some deceiving spirit - by doing this you can come to recognise His voice...

    A tip - we often ask quite irrelevant questions - but if we ask 'do you love me' He's always ready to tell you in what way He loves you...

    He has told me the following:-

    We should, for the sake of all others, suffer evil for being righteous, and forgo all things that are less than our greatest joy and our love, and fully deny ourselves...

    By this, we should be perfected in fulfilling our heavenly Father's fully appreciative love... Because this is how God our Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit - Who are Love - this is how they love us.

  4. Realize that God's old testament is the law of Moses (which starts in Exodus 20) and not Satan's (via deceeit of man) Genesis-Malachi.

  5. Hello, HoneiiDiip:

    R&S is loaded with people bent on destroying your faith.  Then the Media & t.v.  presents secular lifestyles in an attractive manner while belittling those of devout faith.

    Do like I did 27 years ago. I threw my t.v. off a mountain and read ten different translations of the Bible.  Today I have a t.v., but it is locked to Christian programming.  Both my wife and I are devout believers and although we live in the world, we are not of the world.  

    Read John 17 where Jesus prays for the church.  And Jesus will answer your prayers of faith, just make Him number one.  And to strengthen your faith in His plan to save you and this fallen world, read the Bible Code book that explains His plans very carefully.  Read all five chapters of

    Shalom, peace in Jesus,

    Ben Yeshua

  6. Faith is trust. You have to trust Him. What promise have you been trusting Him with? He made many, many promises, on which one are you focusing on? I find a lot of Christians do not have a specific answer to that.

    And the scriptures also say that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So I hope that you are listening to those who a gifted in preaching the word of God.

    Do these things and you will be helped by God, who promised you help if you trust Him!

  7. One travels many roads in life, some are rough, others smooth, but no one ever said the road to the Grail was an easy one. It can be an arduous road with many obstacles to over come.

    You must travel the road you are now on in life, where it leads is up to you. Only you and the workings of the Holy Spirit can restore your faith, in the mean time, take a break; but do not lose sight of your goal. Sort out who you are as a person,  prioritise your life style into the important an unimportant and  learn too relax a little.

    Even Jesus went off into the hills for a break. See: Mark: 1.35. and 6.31. Jesus often went into the garden of Gethsemane to be alone and pray. Everyone needs time to themselves once in a while, be good to yourself, have a break, but never lose sight of your goal in our Lord Jesus Christ.

  8. And your looking for it on a website full of strangers and unbelievers?  I'm not meaning to be harsh, but look for answers somewhere you know they can be found.

  9. i dont believe in god and i believe that you should believe in science which has been proven. Carbon dating proves that the world has existed for millions of years. I don't see how religious people can argue with these facts.  

  10. Try putting all that faith in yourself that is what God wants

    You will aways get what you need not what you want

    These are some of the benefits of meditation:

    1.Improved concentration - A clear mind makes you more productive, especially in creative disciplines like writing.

    2.Less bothered by little things - Do you sometimes allow yourself to get upset by little things? It is the nature of the mind to magnify small things into serious problems. Meditation helps us detach. We learn to live in the here and now, rather than worrying about the past or future. We do not worry about meaningless things, but see the bigger picture.

    3.Better Health - There have been numerous studies pointing to the health benefits of meditation. The reason is that meditation reduces stress levels and alleviates anxiety. If we can reduce stress, many health benefits follow.

    4.Knowledge of Self - Meditation enables us to have a deeper understanding of our inner self. Through meditation we can gain a better understanding of our life’s purpose.

    Love & Blessings


  11. Try Apologetics.

  12. Here is some literature that I'm sure will help you re-gain your faith in God.

  13. Why do you feel he doesn't hear you?  I felt that way for many years too.  He does hear you, but you must have faith.  Read the Gospels if you haven't yet; even though I had heard about them it wasn't until I had read them myself that I understood Jesus Christ.  It is through him that we are saved.  

    We all go through struggles in our lives, and it may seem that God has abandoned us.  But in the gospels Jesus tells us that this is not true.  Life may be hard, but it is never more than we can handle, because our faith saves us.  Look at the lepers in the Bible.  They were outcasts from society and lived on the streets being condemned every single day.  Think of how their lives must've been!  But when Jesus came he told them that their faith healed them.  Your faith will save you.

    People always told me when I felt like you did to read the Bible, and i never listened.  Seemed stupid to me.  Or if I did I did so half-heartily.  It was only when I opened myself up to God and read the story of Jesus that my faith got completely re-newed.  Once I stopped trying to control everything and opened my mind and heart toward God and what is revealed through the life of Jesus Christ was my faith restored.  Bottom line: if you want to restore your faith open yourself up to God and approach it completely with an open heart.  If you're not willing to do that nothing can change your mind.  You have free will.

  14. Knowing God's real name helps in prayers. Email me and I will help.  

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