
I am lost and afraid, what am i supposed to do now?

by  |  earlier

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Lets start off at this, I am 17 and am now going to be a senior, i start school tuesday.Highschool has not been easy, i dealt with all the drama, family problems, i dated this guy freshmen year who completely broke me down, i guess it was my fault for trusting him.. i got into a a couple of fights... my reputation now is that i am a mad psycho, that i am bipolar. I dont trust people. I had a wall and now its breaking down, and i cant figure out what triggered it, i feel really vulnerable and down. The person i thought was my best friend, is turning out to be a person i hate. and then my mom and i are constantly fighting. Everything i used to love to do like playing soccer, ive stopped. Its like my fear is holding me back, i am not myself, i feel numb and i am scared, i dont know who i am anymore. I want to change back to the way i was. My anxiety has converted to depression. what am i supposed to do? and please dont suggest counseling, my parents dont believe in that.




  1. go to the doctor and have them prescribe depression pills because it is going to help trust me.

  2. I've had a very similar feeling and I know the cure.  You need to find something you're passionate about, whether it's art, or music, or anything you've been interested in learning, and just get into it.  

    You're at a stage where your life is changing a lot.  It will change again and again, and again.  This is just your first really good adjustment.  You will make a new best friend if this one isn't working out.  Things always work out, no matter what.  Just think positive, it does wonders.

    I lost everything after Katrina, had to move from New Orleans to a new place, left my house, boyfriend, a great job, sold everything and gave the rest away.  Just left with what I could fit in the trunk of my car.  It was a big transition, but you know what?  You can find ways to deal with anything life throws at you.  If you're smart, and strong, you may even be able to step out of the situation better off than where you were in the first place.  Take a deep breath, think about what you want in the next few months, and where you want to be.  It's honestly as simple as that.  As long as it's a positive thing, life will usually give it to you with less effort than you'd expect.

  3. Your parents don't 'believe' in counseling because you are a mirrow that reflects how poorly you were raised and brought up by them. They will be embarrassed. They should be. They are a disgrace to all adults. Talk to your school counselor and get help because you need it. It will help you. Your senior year should be happy and fun and fill you with fond memories. To get that you may have to fight for it but you have to do it. Keep us posted.  8~)

  4. dude honestly take a deep breath...close your eyes and when u open them be looking into a mirror and just say its ok and mentally believe it. after that anytime u feel anything out the ordinary just tell yourself its bs and let it go..and get back into sports its good for u

  5. Get hold of yourself, you have done this to yourself, no-one else has done it.  Letting one cheating person who you hate now change your life from what it was is no way to behave, it is self pity or  pent up rage that is causing your irrational behavior, make your mind up which and fight it, don't let it win, it's not easy but it is your only hope.  

  6. You have two choices-

    1- you first get back on the soccer team because maybe some people on your team you become friends with and that hole in you will get smaller then you find out the troubles with you and your mom and just do what she wants for a couple of weeks without fighting back, be the bigger person.  Ignore the rumors and gossip (i no how hard that is but lets face it, if you let it bother you they will keep doing this 2 you until your nothing). Get your way into a relationship and you can make your old bf jealous. all you have to do is spend a little more time in front of the mirror, find a guy who likes you for you, and keep your head up.


    2-you can do nothing and let it eat you up inside.

    I know 2 is easier but 1 will make you feel better

    still your choice... whats best for you?

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