
I am making a music board game and I really need some help!?

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I am making a music board game for graphics project, I really need some creative ideas for:

1. Name?

2. Main theme.. yes music but.. what more catorgorized?

3. Looks?

4. Features(Questions, Counters, Shape of board?)

Thankyou I hope you have a more creative mind than me =]




  1. 1. Music Frenzy

    2.have them split up into genres

    3.(not sure what you mean about that, although it could just be me, im wierd like that)

    4.shape: a silhouette of a radio, counters: different colored music notes....(any kind would do, it is yours!!!)

    Good Luck!!

  2. 1. Timeless

    2.You can do like music through time. Start with the Baroque period and work you way up. You can do the main composers and then have bonus squares when you land on time periods: i.e. classical, romantic, contemporary, the british invasion, lilith fair, you know stuff like that. or when vinals came out, 8-tracks, cassettes, CDs, MP3s.

    3. I would do it like a monopoly board having baroque be like the purple rectangles, and have like American Idol for park place and the grammy winner for boardwalk.

    4. Do dice, it'll be easier.

  3. not sure of a name but the shape of the board should be turn tables and the timer teh shape of and "oldschool" boom box.

  4. 1. music land

    2. a trip Through music land.

    3. try piano keys twists and turns and maybe notes

    4. it should be oval shape, counters should be like a piano, guitar, violin and stuff like that.

                im sorry questoins i dont know.

                                     hope i helped!

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