
I am making a website, need ur help.

by Guest44743  |  earlier

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give me ur opinion, wat do u think it should b about. and please don't say p**n.




  1. something you know about and are very interested in.

    And make sure you give it a rare but cool name

    Hope that helps  

  2. Hmm. Some Suggestions...

    - Brawndo, the thirst Mutilator!

    - An ultimate fight, between William Shatner and Sean Connery.

    - A list of good MIDI files on the internet.

    - Spongebob and Sandy Cheeks.

    - Every known Asteroid that could smack into earth.

    - Reasons why they should remake Flash Dance.

    - Quotable family guy quotes.

    - p**n

    - A detailed explanation of Euler's Formula.

    - A time Cube Parody.

    - A flash animation of Ben Bernanke and Ron Paul in steel cage match to the death!

    - A javascript that can test a users physic abilities.

    - UbEr1337ness

    - A sentence to binary converter.

    - Video clips of explosions!

    - Hobo, with a shoot gun!

    - The conspiracy regarding automatic opening doors in super markets.

    - Lots of How to's tutorials.

    - What's the deal with the Segway.

    - Un-motivational posters.  

  3. In my opinion, you should have a clearly defined subject before trying to build a website. Otherwise, you may have a stellar design but nothing interesting to read. If you can't think of a subject, you can always create a personal site all about you - your background, a little history, some photos, and your hobbies. Alternately, you can look online for stuff that interests you, do a little research when you come across something you like, and then compile all you've learned on your new website.

  4. put some pictures and whatever age your on about it and please be positive and use some colors not only black and red and u know... put some colors like orange or blue or green u got what i'm talking about right? k good luck!

  5. whatever interest you the most, no point in making a website about things you dont enjoy just because other people do,

  6. use piczo

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