
I am making homeopathic remedies. Can you add anything to water to improve its memory?

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jd88: that's not what I asked.




  1. Water is not alive.  It has no "memory".

    "Water does hold the vibrational memory of any energy that it comes into contact with."   So, it has the "vibrational memory" of the carp that swim in the reservoir?   The duck p**p?  

    What a load of pseudoscientific BS!!  How can people BE so gullible?

  2. Homeopathy is very contentious and you obviously don't beleive in it. Thats fine each to their own.

    I do have to agree with bassdoc. There are some very dodge aspects to conventional medicine which allopaths simply refuse to acknowledge.

    100,000 die from adverse drug reactions in the usa every year.

    Homeopathy does not have the same death rate or same percentage of people presenting to ER with adverse reaction from the treatment.

    People also get better after taking the medicine. If this is Placebo bring it on. Homeopaths seem to be good at bringing out the placebo effect.

    If it isn't the medicine maybe we should be looking at what does make the healing happen and what is special in the relationship between the therapist and the patient that brings on the placebo effect.

    Has James Randi offered a proven pathway for the placebo cascade and why this happens if it isn't the medicine?


    David i think you really need to look at the concepts of medicine and the hippocratic oath which all the allopaths take.


    You freely admit that these remedies you criticise are harmless yet you want us not to use them and instead substitute chemical interaction which is potentially fatal.

    If something is harmless why stop it?

    Do you want people to stop praying to Zeus as well?

    What difference does it make if these things are harmless?

    If all you can do is criticise me for pointing out the flaws in your argument but not actually answer any of the questions you really don't have anything.

    I'm going to ask you again, What is the cascade in the placebo effect?

    Can you please show some randomised controlled trials proving the physiological cascade in the most powerful healing force known to man?

    Well you are so sure that anyone who gets better after taing homeopathic medicine is deluded and it is only the placebo effect working. Lets see your evidence then.

  3. A tea spoon of nonsense and the emperors invisible used socks.

  4. No

    Quackery and Health Scams in the New Millennium

    How the New Millennium Offers Us New Ways of Being Swindled by the Con Artist.

    After decades of investigations, James Randi reveals how fake cures and subtle swindles are more popular today than at any other time in history, a fact that Mr. Randi views with great dismay. In this thought-provoking lecture, Randi demonstrates how to avoid being taken in by them.

    Homeopathy, a two-hundred-year-old "alternative healing" claim which offers zero-content medications, is now featured by major respected drugstore chains across the USA and the world. Ear Candling, which should have gone out of fashion with mustard-plasters and sulfur-and-molasses, is back as a cure for ear problems. Major corporations and individuals hire builders and interior designers knowledgeable in Feng Shui so that their offices and homes don't block the flow of "positive" energy while trapping "negative" energy. Hundreds of hospitals across the country charge as much as $60 per twenty minutes to have a registered nurse, who is also a certified Touch Therapist, manipulate patients' "human energy field" or "aura" as part of the healing process - without touching them!

    On television, a magnetized bracelet containing copper, endorsed by a motorcycle daredevil and Senior PGA golfers, is supposed to help relieve arthritis and muscular pain. Those same golf pros invest in a magic metal stick that is "tuned" to find lost golf balls. Magnets imbedded in shoe inserts are said to attract the iron in the blood, bringing about better circulation. We strap useless bags of herbs to our bodies. And we are sold custom-made charts and diagrams that predict the future for us, or so we're told.

    We are all potential victims of scam-artists. In this provocative lecture, James Randi shows us how we can be made more aware of how we are liable to be taken in, by the millions, every year.

  5. No you can't make homeopathic medicine from your garden hose.  Good luck.

    PS: Allen, I'm not a big fan of ear candleing (unless I want to light up a room and they can lay very still) but mustard poultices work a lot better than cold medicines you can buy at the store, and many natural things like molasses do have functions - why do you think cold medicine has the same consistency and ingredients?  So let's not throw the baby out with the bath water by labelling everything "alternative" quackery - the MD's are often the biggest quacks of all.

  6. gingko bilboa is a great supplement you can add to water for memory. It has been scientifically studied in many researches and has been proven helpful in many circumstances. It is not homeopathic, but it is definitely an alternative cure to enhancing memory and helping with brain.

  7. Yes.  a specialized filter that alters the structure of water to hold onto memory.  Here is a web site showing how the nano structure of water is altered due to a filtration system that duplicates the minerals found in the Hunzas where people live to be 100 or more.

  8. Whiskey!!!!!

  9. I know that to preserve the vibrational energy patterns of essential oils in water preparations I use a pure alcohol and its the same for flower essences etc.  I know that water holds energy patterns but I'm not sure for how long and I think most wildly used for these kinds of preparations is alcohol. Water does hold the vibrational memory of any energy that it comes into contact with.  Please refer to the fine and well regarded work of Dr Masuru Emoto.

  10. Ginko, Sage, Bacopa and Ginseng have proven to have some effectiveness against dementia, you may want to check out these herbs.  Here's a site that shows what works for dementia

  11. Yes absolutely.  All you have to do is tell me where the water in question is and I will tap at the appropriate frequency and the vibrations will focus across the universe and impart extra memory to your water.  The amount of improvement is proportional to the amount you pay me for this.  Naturally as you are a believer in homeopathy, you will not be surprised that scientists say I am making this up.  They are all wrong because it is much cooler to believe that you can make medicine and treat people without the tedious business of going to med school and becoming experienced.

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