
I am making jelly, but do not have a boiling water caner. What can I don instead??

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I am making orange marmalade, but I don't have or am going to buy a boiling water caner!




  1. I've never made marmalade before but have made strawberry and peach preserves many times.  Before I got my pressure canner and even now I use a large metal stock pot to process my jars.  The key is having everything nice and hot.  Get your boiling water for canning ready first (have some extra in a tea kettle or pan incase you need to add some), have your jars, lids and rings washed and sitting in hot/scalding water until ready to fill.  Make your jelly, skim it, then fill hot jars leaving appropriate head space.  Cap and submerge in the boiling water canner/bath, have water about an inch above the top of the jars.  Process for appropriate time according to contents of jars.  Below is a pretty good website if you are interested in canning, I visit it from time to time.

  2. Get teh biggest pot you have and heat up water in it until boiling, then carefully drop your filled jars (w/ rings and lids) in there and process them for 10-15 minutes.  Make sure the water is not at such a rolling boil that they bang into each other.

  3. i made preserves before but never canned them or bottled them. i made enough for the moment and put them in a tuberware cointainer or reused a glass cointainer. you dont need to can them to make preserves correctly

  4. make freezer jam! it tastes fresh and delicious.

    Strawberry marmalade


    2 medium oranges

    2 medium lemons

    1/2 cup water

    1/8 teaspoon baking soda

    1 quart ripe strawberries, crushed

    7 cups sugar

    1 (3 ounce) pouch liquid fruit pectin



    Peel outer layer of oranges and lemons; set aside. Remove the white membrane from fruit and discard. Set the fruit aside. Chop peels; place in a large saucepan. Add water and baking soda; cover and bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes.

    Meanwhile, section oranges and lemons, reserving juice. Add fruit and juice to saucepan; cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Add strawberries. Measure fruit; return 4 cups to the saucepan. (If you have more than 4 cups, discard any extra; if less, add water to equal 4 cups.) Add sugar and mix well. Boil, uncovered, for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat; stir in pectin. Stir for 5 minutes to cool; skim off foam. Pour into half-pint jars or freezer containers, leaving 1/4-in. headspace. Adjust caps. Process for 10 minutes in a boiling-water bath or store in the freezer. Serve with toast or biscuits.

  5. Any large pot will do as long as when the jars are in it the water can cover the tops by at least an inch and make sure the jars are about an inch to an half an inch apart in the pot. If you have a small rack that will fit in the bottom of the pot put it in and set your jars on that or what I have done in a pinch is make my own rack from rolling and scrunching up foil and making my own rack. The idea is for the jars to be on somethings so the water can get under them also during processing. Good luck

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