
I am making my own body wrap. Which herbs should I use?

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I found a good body wrap recipe on the Net, they suggest putting in herbs to help with the detox process. Some sites give a list of herbs that are beneficial, but don't give there properties. What are the best detoxing herbs to use?

For those who are going say wraps don't work, try it, measure the inches lost, and bite me.

For those who want the recipe, google "detox wrap"+recipe, or email me.




  1. exfoliate the day before and shave what needs to be shaved.  Don't use lotion or other body creams.  

    Try to find Niacinimide (found at the pharmacy in the vitamin isle)in a powdered form which is good as it opens up and dilates the blood vessels to help the detoxification process.  

    Wrap yourself in saran/plastic wrap at least 7 times in a row, starting at the ankles and working your way up.  So, you would wrap your calves 7 times, your thighs, seven times, etc.  Pull the wrap tight.  Try to wrap continuously from ankle to thigh.  Have someone else help you wrap your waist and chest and hips so they can pull it tight, tight, tight.

    Wrap arms from wrists to shoulders.  Avoid the throat  (no explanation necessary.)

    Some herbals that I like are:

    Alfalfa Leaf

    Burdock Root

    Capsicum Powder

    Comfrey Root

    Dandelion Root

    Echinacea Purpurea Flower

    Fennel Seed

    Ginger Root

    Hawthorne Berries

    Kelp Seaweed

    Parsley Leaves

    Peppermint Leaves

    Red Clover Tops



    Yellow Dock

    Mix your selection in a base of neutral lotion (6 oz or so) or some cellulite lotion that has caffeine in it.  Massage in an upwards motion towards the heart.  

    Lie down for an hour

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