
I am married for 17 years, why I am I still in love with my ex boyfriend who happens to be my first love. ?

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I am married for 17 years, why I am I still in love with my ex boyfriend who happens to be my first love. ?




  1. simply because he was your first love. everyone has some sort of feelings for their first love.

  2. I'm still in love with my high school sweet heart. The girl I went to the prom with. So I know how you feel. It does'nt matter how you feel. It only matters if he feels the same way about you. If it is true love then you will be together again in this life or the next.


  4. Let it go sweety. Time to start living in the present. For 17 years you've never given your heart to your husband. Time to start now. Your ex is a fantasy. Live now, not in the past.  

  5. There is a saying the first love never dies.. For some it's true.

    Yet that love is a good memory and maybe better to have that memory like that cos the love can last forever in your mind. If you would've got married with your ex  maybe things would've turned out to be bad who knows. Doesn't mean you made wrong choice of partner.

  6. It's not love, its lust and its familiar.

    It's human nature to miss/want what we don't have.

  7. You will always have good memories of your first love. But you must have ended the relationship with him for a reason. Now you are with someone that you love enough to marry them. You should let go of your feelings for your first love and spend some more time with your husband.

  8. first try to  know if ur ex lover also loves u or not

    if loves then there r 2 ways

    If u strong enough and and u r fearless

    then divorce ur husband

    and do whatever u want to do

    if u r not strong enough and and u r not fearless

    live with ur husband happily because life is much more than love

  9. "let it go lady!" that is so unfair to your husband!! let it GO!

  10. Honey, after 17 years, it is time to let go, don't you think, I had a first love almost 20 years ago, and I have been married to the same wonderful man for the last 16, and when I walked down that isle and we said our "I do's", I totally let go, of the past and my first love.

    Standing in front of me there he was, my one and only love, my rock, my soul-mate and my light, and my love.

  11. You are not in love with your EX.

    You are in love with your memory of him.

    I'm sure you will find that the reality of that relationship would be far different than your memory. We tend to remember the good as the bad fades away.

    There must be something amiss in your current relationship that your memory is being stimulated like this.

    I'm thinking you should focus your emotional effort a little closer to home.

  12. Wow this must be hard and I know it is possible. You most likely have issues in your marriage that you need to resolve as well. I can only say from experience that only God can heal that hurt of longing for your first love. I thank God that he did too! I mean it was not 17 years but at least 6 and the only thing that helped was God. I also have heard of people being married to someone else for a long time then one dies or something and the first loves reunite so nothing is impossible with God. True love is so rare! I pray you will have it.

    Do not listen to all these people who just say let go or ignore your feelings. At least you are honest and maybe if more were like you people would not be so miserable!

  13. let it go because u are married

  14. You married the wrong one?

  15. past emotions very dangerous, leave it behind or it will destroy your current situation

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