
I am married to a British citizen (man) who lives overseas?

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He grew up overseas (Jamaica) and we got married there and still live there. Is there any benefit that accrues to me in terms of acquiring a British visa?




  1. No! Absolutely no benefit attached therefore dont count on it, you are just like others that married to a citizen of any other country. You will applied for the UK visa just like any other person too. The only benefit that you can get is marrying to JESUS and make to Heaven. Period.

  2. Marriage Visa

    Spouses of UK citizens or permanent residents mainly those with indefinite leave to remain may come to the UK under marriage visa category, and are able to work as soon as a visa is granted. Spouse will need to meet the following marriage visa requirements:

    Have been together for less than four years you are granted a marriage visa for a probationary period of two years. Still married and living together at the end of two years in the UK permanent residence properly known as indefinite leave to remain will usually be granted.

    Have been together for four years or more outside the UK will be granted indefinite leave to remain/permanent residence in the UK without having to live in the UK for two years.

    The UK citizen or permanent resident must have actually met their non-UK spouse. This is to prevent a situation that occurs sometimes in arranged marriages where the husband and wife have never met.

    Must intend to live together permanently with spouse in order to obtain a spouse visa.

    Must possess sufficient funds to sipport family living expenses and those of any dependants without claiming public funds. Public funds cover various benefits paid by the Government if currently looking for work, if on a low income and if in various other situations.

    Accommodation for the couple, and any dependants, must be suitable and available.

    Spouses seeking to come to the UK on the basis of marriage to a UK national should apply for entry clearance before entering the UK.

    Have a visa valid for six months or less in the UK cannot change status to a spouse visa.

    Children of the marriage who are under 18 years old are allowed entry to the UK as dependants, and can make their application at the same time as the main applicant.

    After a total period of three years in the UK may apply for UK citizenship.

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