
I am married to a man with adhd!!! We have twin 1 yr olds.he's ok smtms, then a big *** t2 me all the time!!

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he goes crazy at any time according to the question or conversation at hand!




  1. No it sounds like he has more problems then that. He is either being a jerk and using ADHD as an excuse, he has BiPolar or some other mood disorder. You should consider counseling. Also take him to see a pyschiatrist.

  2. That sounds more like bipolar( or just plain meaness) than adhd. He needs meds and youboth need counseling.

  3. ADHD is not a personality disorder, it's a learning disorder. They think and learn differently, have different attention spans, and have uncontrolled energy. None of that has anything to do with being a decent person to others. Having ADHD does not excuse him from being a jerk. Either get some marriage counseling and find out the REAL reason he's being like this or divorce him.

  4. He does sound like he has something worst then adhd. Is he

    on any meds. With 2 baby's to take care of you don't need a

    third. He has got to get this under control because you and those precious baby's deserve better. I would suggest you

    asking him to get help but I am sure he wouldn't like that question either and I wouldn't  want to get him upset at you. I

    have worked with a woman  who had adhd also and she was

    on meds and she was pleasant just hyper at times.

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