
I am married want a divorce?

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I been married since August 8, 2008. But now I want a divorce I don't think I ready. I only 18 and he is 27. What can I do to get a divoce Please Help




  1. I suggest you wait and give it some time.  Try to be mellow and not cause any drama, just go about some regular days of life.  Set a time frame, like 3 years, to re-assess... such as on your 3rd anniversary or your 21st birthday.

    I have been married for 12 years and will say that in a lot of ways it doesn't matter who you married it just matters that you stick it out.  

  2. It's only been a week and a you love him? you should give it more time before making this big decision

  3. Is he worth fighting for?  Is the marriage worth fighting for?   You married him for a reason, so what is that reason?  Before you just throw in the towel, you need to do some searching inside yourself to find out why you want out.  Too many people look for easy ways to get out when things are a little stressful.  They tend to be lazy and not want to fight for a marriage or a person.  They want and think things are just going to be peachy keen with no problems.  Well, I have news for you, it is not peachy keen.  There will be problems and issues.  Question is, are you willing to stay and fight for the man you love or just wimp out and leave when the water gets hot?

  4. You barely beat Britney Spear's first marriage. Get it annulled.

  5. You could get an anallment because you haven't been married for long.good luck!

  6. that soon??  try an annulment....

  7. And you wonder why divorce rates are so high.... Another fine example of someone who thought they knew what they were doing, and then found out it was harder than they thought... and now wants to take the easy road to get out.

  8. get a lawyer and file the papers and your on your way to a quickie divorce

  9. get it anulled.  Talk to your parents.  YOu are a baby, and NO YOU ARE NOT READY - OMG.  How did this happen..WFT

  10. In 11 days??? First and foremost stop and breath....then talk to your husband and don't do anything rash....marrying at 18 is young but can still work...unless he is abusing you.....then run like your butt is on fire....

  11. omg :-< another immature :(

  12. lol

  13. you've been married all of 11 days and want a divorce?  Why didn't you realize you were too young  12 days ago?  No wonder the divorce rate is so high and maturity level is so low.

  14. Lol Silly

    Live life first before marry.

    I blame disney for these fairy tale images lol

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