
I am mechanical engnieer want a job plz send me details of company or give me addresss if u have?

by  |  earlier

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I am mechanical engnieer want a job plz send me details of company or give me addresss if u have?




  1. Post your resume in:

    and other similar Job  Sites. If you donot know how to write your Curriculum Vitae (CV), there are sites which write your CV for a price.


  2. Well i don;t think you will get too many job offers asking in this manner.

    I think you should work on your C.V and then send it to all the local engineering companies. You will find them in the telephone directory.

  3. Go to a conference about some aspect of ME that you like. During the breaks, ask people about opportunities at their companies, and what engineer to contact. DO NOT contact the HR department, find the name of an engineer who is hiring, and then set up an interview with that individual. You need to spend about 1 day at the conference and 80 hours on the telephone to land a typical job.

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