
I am meeting my boyfriend's 2-year old daughter for the first time. Should I bring a little gift and what?

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She is very shy, so this is a way to get her to warm up to me.




  1. How about a children's book which you introduce casually into the meeting.  Maybe she will sit on your lap and let you read to her.  

    If not, just hand her the book and talk to her about the pictures.  Ask her simple questions about what she sees.  Don't expect answers, just keep the 'conversation' going until she looses interest, then let her move on.  She will come back to the book and to the 'connection' with you that the book evokes.  Takes time.  Go slow.

  2. yeah, it might be an idea, something small. dont go over the top or ur boyfreind will think your trying to hard. or you could ask him

  3. yes a little doll or something small. Nothing to big or out there , that will just show him ur trying to hard

  4. No you cant buy love just be yourself with her and take it from there.

  5. Yes bring a gift but with no motive it just a nice thing to do,and just take it slow and do not force her to interact more than she wants,it really can unsettle a young child

  6. i don't think so..then she might always "expect" something from you whenever she sees you and if this is going to be a lasting relationship you might not want to go there. just be yourself and let her see the person her dad likes

  7. yeah, i think it's a great idea, bring candy

    kids love candy like a lollipop!  

  8. i think its an awesome idea.

    gifts always help break the ice.


  9. A gift is a nice idea, but some children just take anything from strangers whether they like them or not. I would suggest learning the theme from her favorite show. Hum it when she's paying attention to you and she'll start being a bit more interested.

  10. Definately bring her something. Ask your boyfriend what she likes, it may be a toy, or a universal thing like candy. No kid can turn down candy. And at the age of 2, they don't really have any people preference yet, and as long as Daddy's around, she should be fine.

  11. maybe you should try a baby doll and some candy

  12. YES!  Bring her a gift, maybe a purse, in PINK, and put some surprises in it.  You are lucky to meet the daughter.  This means you're special!  2 year olds like babies, and necklaces, that don't choke, anything hanna montana!

  13. yeah soemthing small is good

    dont go over the edge but something small

    and just act yourself shes two so shes gunna be shy but alot of younger kids that age warm up pretty quick!

  14. I think that is super cool of you to think of her!

    Get her something that she can make, like a little craft project that you two can do together for your boyfriend- that way when he & she see it she will think of you.

  15. That is a very sweet idea.  Good luck.

  16. Yes, bring something practical for her, like a stuff animal, barbie or a toy, but not candy...

    Candy will be eaten and forgotten about you, that brought it.

    a gift will remind her of you, always

  17. yes i think bringing a gift is a good idea

    get her somthing that she will alwaez hav but not 2 expensive

    something pretty that every girl wud wont

    e.g and no sharp edges as she myt get hurt

  18. I wouldn't do it to make her warm up to you, but maybe more to show your boyfriend and the mother (if she is around) that you are happy to be in this child's life and to make them feel more comfortable about the situation. And hey, it doesn't hurt to give them girl a little present either, Im sure she'll like that.

  19. yes two year old like any kind of toy

  20. maybe a coloring book or a stuffed animal nothing over the top though

  21. she would like that. Mabey a beanie babie, or a little braclet,  not one you would buy at a jewler obviously.  You can get cute string ones or bead.

  22. Bring candy or a favorite treat, stuffed animal, favorite tv character, or soft stuffed doll.  Ask your boyfriend what her favorite things are and bring that.  Make sure it's something small, not too extravagant.

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