
I am moveing to Australia to live with my girl freind... i am movieng there with a tourist visa?

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I am moving to Australia to live with my girl friend... i am moving there with a tourist visa then getting skilled visa while i am there.... i own a business and am self-employed also IT certified so it not like i don't have any good skills... what do you think the chances are of them accepting a skilled visa?




  1. First of all, get your skilled assessed by the assessing authority. Once that is good, your chances will be higher. make sure your skills are in SOL list..check on their website..

    Good luck

  2. slim to none! you will need a lawyer if you are moving to australia on a holiday visa and planning to stay. my hubbie done that and after $20,000 and 9 months waiting doing nothing, he is now a aussie resident.

    you will not be granted a skilled visa as they are super hard to get and they will not like that you worked for yourself unless you have over 7 years of tax returns and proof of how your business is doing. having skills is all great but you need the skill that australia needs. IT usually isn't one of them unfortunately. and also you will be frowned upon greatly cause your intensions on staying in australia will be clear unless you get an awsome lawyer (they are expensive) that may be able to make it look good. but even then she can not change what skills are needed in australia.

    here is a website that has everything you need. oh and getting a student visa whilst in australia is hard unless you already have one and are extenting it. so you may want to look at getting a student visa beofre you get here.

    if it was me i would call an australia immigration lawyer and tell them what you want to do and go from there. they really do have some awesome ideas of how to get ppl in the country. just make sure you are comfy with the lawyer. and that they know what they are talking about. hopefully as you run a business you will have enough cash on your for such a move and all the stuff that goes with it.

    oh if you make her your fiancee and promise to marry her within a year of getting here i would say thats you best bet to get into australia legally. although you guys have to show heaps of proof your a couple (we had to send in 4 photo albumns full, all e-mails, letters, bank loans together, cars owned together, bank acount together, recpiets of movies, restranuts, gifts ect over the years) and also go through an interveiw that ask personal questions about the 2 of you like how your financial situation will work together, what you want in the future, what your partner likes to eat, how you will work in a house together, who does the chores, how much you are making, how much your partners making ect ect ect. they go on and on.

    hubbie and i went through all this and we were married for a year and together for 5 years. its crazy long and expensive.

    good luck which eva way you may go!

  3. I do not think you can get a visa while the country, so basically your chances are zero.

    By entering the country on a tourist visa with no intention of leaving is actually breaking the law so be careful. Australia has zero tolerance of illegal immigration and applying for a tourism visa for other reasons other than tourism will render that visa invalid and you maybe deported and unable to re-apply for a visa for 3 years ..or longer.

    Do it right from the start, apply for a skilled migration visa or as a business owner if you have large amount of funds .

  4. you may find its not as easy as you think to be granted a skilled visa while on a tourist visa

    to apply from within Australia you need to have gained your qualifications there as an international student and in some cases you need to have been in Australia or 2 years and have worked at least one year in specified regional area

    you are not supposed to seek work while on a tourist visa

  5. Get a working visa before you get here. It will make thing a lot easier

  6. you could try marrying your girlfriend? If she is an aussie

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