
I am moving and digging up some of my spring bulbs to take with me - what is the best way to store them??

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I have tulip, daffodil, crocus, hyacinth, iris, asiatic lily and day lily bulbs to take with me. Should I use a chemical bulb saver solution? and at what temperature should I store them? what is the best way to keep them so I can put them in next spring at my new home or in pots for spring blooms? All advice is welcome, leaving my home is okay, but not my garden!




  1. I have very good success at storing my bulbs in my wife's old nylon stockings. I cut the leg off of old panty hose, and drop the bulbs in the stocking. Tie off the top.

    I don't treat them with anything, just hang them in the garage and let them dry.

    When I plant in the spring, I get almost 100 % survival rate.

  2. The suggestion of the old hosiery is a good one. You may want to add a small amount of wood shavings to help keep them dry and separated. I don't know where you are but the tulips, daffodil, and hyacinth bulbs will require chill hours or they will most likely have some trouble blooming. In the south we store ours in the refrigerator. They just will not get the chill hours they need otherwise. The other thing you can use would be an old onion sack. Maybe a produce place in your area has some. Possibly the produce manager at your local grocery store could give you some help. They need air and cool so don't use any thing that will not allow  them to breath. Old pillow case would not do. It will have to let air in to keep them dry so that they don't rot on you. Hanging in the garage or in a out building would be fine just don't let them freeze. Good luck.

  3. Very simply, keep them cool (not frozen) and dry and they will be fine.

  4. Place the bulbs by type in old mess oinon sacks be sure to tag with the name of the in bottom of the fridge til spring.Good luck in your new garden.


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