
I am moving and have way too many clothes. Some I have only worn once or never!! Where can I donate in L.A.?

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Salvation army doesn't pick up from my house anymore (gas prices.. seriously!) any suggestion.. Oh I have books too! I tried local Churches but they dont take any clothing donations.




  1. free cycle is an awsome place and I bet they have one in l.a.  

  2. If you want them picked up from your home, then Freecycle is probably the only way that is going to happen.  

    Non-profits such as the Salvation Army depend on donations and if they have to spend more on gas than your stuff is worth, then it only makes sense that they wouldn't pick your stuff up.

    So, if you are willing to deliver the items yourself, try Salvation Army, Good Will, women's and children's shelters, second hand stores (some of them will take donations and then their proceeds go to a non-profit organization).

    As for the books, it depends on what kind they are.  Children's books could go anywhere that serves children.  Adult books are a little harder to get rid of but sometimes the jail will take paperback books for the inmates to read.  

  3. I would suggest Goodwill or the Salvation Army, besides being useful to the poor, they are also tax deductible!

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