
I am moving in like 20 days and i have a little sister that is 2...?

by  |  earlier

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and like my mom doesnt take care of her at all i am gonna miss her so much and i am so scared of whats gonna happen when i leave what can i do about this??




  1. I would inform the police and or CPS. I know your concerned about your little sister, and you have to think about weather or not her welfare is in any danger, if it is, then you need to tell someone with authority to do something about it.

  2. Awww...that's so sweet of you to be concerned about your 2 year old little sister.  If you are scared of what's going to happen to her when you are going to leave because you rmom doesn't care for her, you might want to contact the police or child protective services.  I know you probably don't want to do that to your own mother, but, if you're really that concerned about your sister's welfare, you probably should.  All the best to you.

  3. is there any way to take your little sister with you?

    if so, maybe that is an option if your mom doesn't take care of her at all.

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