
I am moving into an apartment that has a terrible odor that i can't get rid of. Any suggestions?

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Finding another apartment is not an option or complaining to the landlord is not an option




  1. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    Paint it. But, primer first. I live in an old house where the previouse occupants smoked a lot and I am a non-smoker. Primering and painting are the only remedies for strong odors like cigarette smoke, grease (in kitchens obviously), mold or mildew (in bathrooms and under window frames sometimes). Ammonia will only add the pleasant ammonia aroma (yuck!) and bleach doesn't last. Within a few days the smell comes back.

  2. If it is cat urine odor, coming from carpet, you may never get rid of it.  I would wash everything down with bleach water or with Lysol solution.  Some one suggests baking soda on on carpet, that may help.  Curtains and lamp shades could be culprit.  If you can leave windows open let it air out.  

    Good Luck

  3. Well, I have never had a naturally foul-odored room, but I can think of a few thinks that might help make the place more palatable for you.

    Incense, while it can smell very oddly at first, would definitely cover the smell for a time. There are many 'flavors' available, and the burners for it come in a number of styles, so they would appear as casual decorations for your house.

    Room spray is another alternative. Perhaps some kind of fruit scent you find pleasant. Though I don't know how long the smell would last, or how well it would cover.

    Scented candles work. Again, they come in a number of flavors and provide decoration. Also, with candles, you conserve power (do not put them near curtains).

    I suppose those are the simplest solutions. There are also plug-in air fresheners, if you are so inclined.

    Good luck getting rid of the stench! ^_^

  4. its probably in the carpet depends on the type Oder to  pet Oder's smelly feet mold sewage leak?or is you landlord storing his decomposing mother in the apt next door that would explain the not wanting to complain to landlord part health department would probably help you as its probably not healthy for you to live there

  5. Febreeze, professional carpet cleaning, lots of candles, a clothes pin for your nose, at worst!

  6. Let it air out first. I mean, every window and door open for a few hours. A windy day would be preferable. Then you could look into professional carpet cleaning, that would probably help a lot. If that doesn't help, check for mold that might be hidden somewhere, and check EVERYWHERE. Then just febreeze...that's all I can think of. Good luck :o)

  7. Depending on the source of the odor,  vinegar and water in a spray bottle works on all kinds of odors!

  8. Well, it's going to require a great deal of cleaning even if it looks clean. is it a apt building? they all have the same smell, I find, and it never really goes away. open all the windows when ever you can, try to find a source of the smell, make sure not to let the place get damp, febreeze the place, make some potpourri once and a while(boil a apple cut up with some Cinnamon works good), and pray. good luck.

  9. find the source of smell first if it seems to be evrywhere i once lived in a apartment that someone had died in there was left there for wks before found smell was bad they landlord had to hire a company that has this special machine that helped to eliminate the odor

  10. You first need to establish what is causing the odor. It could be several things.  Check the apartment with a fine tooth comb and see if you can find the reason for the odor. In a house that I rented a few years back  the bathroom smelled

    so strongly of urin I couldn't stand it. I called a plumber and  he found that there was a leak at the bottom of the toilet. Not

    enough to make the carpet wet, but enough to make a terrible stink.  I told the owner that I wanted the carpet taken out and vinyl put in. He did so and repaired the leak. Good as

    new. I kept the window open  in the bathroom tho  it was getting pretty cold out then. Good luck to you.

  11. If the odor is coming from the carpet then i'd suggest putting Arm and Hammer baking soda into the carpet and letting it sit for a few hours and then vacuum it. If this is not the case then possibly the air conditioning ducts? Look into spraying a deodorizer into the intake vent.

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